The Wilds goes international! ??
Conservation abroad! ???? Earlier this month, Genelle Uhrig (Director of Ecology) and Danny Lough (Director of Conservation Education and Engagement) travelled to Rota in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands to help Pacific Bird Conservation with the recovery of the Rota Bridled White-eye, locally known as ‘Nosa Luta.’ The Nosa Luta is a Critically Endangered species found only in the montane forests of Rota but used to inhabit most of the island. To better understand the population of Nosa Luta, Genelle and Danny assisted in the capture and care of over 30 birds to further understand their biology and care requirements for future restoration work. In addition, Genelle conducted genetics work from Nosa Luta captured during this project to answer questions around the sex of captured birds, population health, and population viability. Danny helped engage the community through school and community outreach and local high school internships. Through collaborative work, The Wilds and Columbus Zoo and Aquarium are helping to save wildlife and empower the communities that live alongside them!