Congratulations to the 62 animals who found new homes last week!!! Three cheers to: Amazon, Archibald, Ashwin, Athena, Bagheera, Belle, Blue, Bruce, Bunny, Butters, Butterscotch, Clancey, Cole, Contessa, Daylight, Dusty, Fifi, Fred, Frisco, George, Iggy, Inara, Ines, Ines, J.C. Penny, Katja, Lenny, Mamma Kitty, Misty, Mowgli, Patches, Pawletta, Pip, Pumpkin, Raindrop, Raksha, Ruffles, Sachiko, Sam's Club, Sansa, Sapphire, Sari, Savings, Sears, Target, Ted, Toby, Trader Joe's, Walgreens, Zuri (cats), AJ, Casper, Jefferson, Jojo, Kanger, Madison (dogs), Cookie, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca and Frank (guinea pigs). #adoptashelterpet #sheltermedicine #animalwelfare