Now more than ever, those of us working to improve access to college and better college admissions and enrollment processes need to lean on each other. Connect with your colleagues, find professional development opportunities and check in on each other. As Emily Smith said today, we are “0 days without incident” in higher education and it appears like that zero is here to stay. New York State Association for College Admission Counseling is an amazing organization that allows us to connect, bounce ideas, collaborate and learn from one another. Today I had the privilege again to sit on their “Admissions Intelligence: AI’s Role In Shaping College Admissions” panel at their Regional Professional Development Forum and I left smarter and more energized about what we can do to help students. Thank you to St. Joseph's University New York, Brooklyn for hosting and thank you to my amazing co-panelists, Jasmine Solomon, Christine Murphy and Emily Smith. Thank you as well to NYSACAC for your leadership in the profession and to Anna Ragno and Caitlin Domagal for planning such thoughtful panels. The next AI in Admissions panel is hosted by Russell Sage College and it is virtual, so you should all sign up: (One last thanks goes to Alex El Helou for taking some pictures and sharing them with me. Appreciate it!)