NASPA 2025!! CollegeVine
The higher education sector is projecting an annual deficit of $100B within 5 years. We believe AI Agents will dramatically increase efficiency, reduce administrative costs, and transform the student experience to make higher education sustainable for the next century. We deploy safe AI Agents to drive real outcomes across campus.
NASPA 2025!! CollegeVine
I am thoroughly enjoying all of the vendors inside the NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education exhibition hall. CollegeVine came in with an on time reminder that we are all champions of student success.
For my friends attending NASPA - stop by the CollegeVine booth to learn how AI is championing student success AND take a pic in the ?? selfie mirror!!
We're at NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and we brought a selfie mirror with us ?? Stop by Booth 123 to snap a photo with your team for the chance to win a $500 Amazon gift card, snag a free latte, and learn more about our AI Advisor!
Mahalo Sage at CollegeVine for my espresso ?? Check out CollegeVine - A new operating system for Higher Ed, AI agents to give prospects, students, and alumni the experience they deserve.
Thank you CollegeVine ! #naspa2025 #nola
We're at NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and we brought a selfie mirror with us ?? Stop by Booth 123 to snap a photo with your team for the chance to win a $500 Amazon gift card, snag a free latte, and learn more about our AI Advisor!
Grateful to Emily Smith and CollegeVine for providing me space to speak about Texas Christian University, #HigherEd and #Enrollment.
Heath Einstein (gently) schooled me on something rad: “Colleges” are not a monolith. We (ok it's me.... I do this, often) love to lump all institutions together, but as Heath highlights, each college operates independently, navigating unique challenges, goals, and priorities. No single governing body sets the rules for all of us. We’re each forging our own path—often quietly influencing each other, but never identical. If we’re serious about driving meaningful change in higher education, it starts by understanding this nuance. Remember: TCU is not Harvard, which is not your local community college. One-size-fits-all thinking won’t get us where we need to go. Curious—how does recognizing this shift your perspective about higher-ed?
AI adoption is skyrocketing among current high school and college students. In a recent survey of 3,200 current college students, we found that *86%* are already using AI in their studies. With higher adoption comes higher expectations for the use of AI in other aspects of their education — such as their interface with staff and faculty. We'll be releasing our full report in old-school, printed format at our NASPA booth 1??2??3?? —?hope to see some of you soon! Full schedule here:
Heath Einstein (gently) schooled me on something rad: “Colleges” are not a monolith. We (ok it's me.... I do this, often) love to lump all institutions together, but as Heath highlights, each college operates independently, navigating unique challenges, goals, and priorities. No single governing body sets the rules for all of us. We’re each forging our own path—often quietly influencing each other, but never identical. If we’re serious about driving meaningful change in higher education, it starts by understanding this nuance. Remember: TCU is not Harvard, which is not your local community college. One-size-fits-all thinking won’t get us where we need to go. Curious—how does recognizing this shift your perspective about higher-ed?
Are we measuring what truly matters in higher education? High-level metrics like graduation and retention rates provide valuable insights, but future-proofing enrollment requires deeper analysis. To remain competitive, institutions need to consider more nuanced questions: 1???How effectively are we preparing graduates in high-demand fields such as STEM? 2???What processes have we implemented to identify and address learning gaps in the post-pandemic landscape? Our ability to evolve directly impacts student success. It’s not just best practice—it’s mission-critical. Which innovative metrics is your institution is adopting to ensure comprehensive student preparation for tomorrow's challenges? Thank you to Heath Einstein for contributing valuable perspectives on this topic during our recent discussion on The VineDown. For the complete conversation: