Grateful to Emily Smith and CollegeVine for providing me space to speak about Texas Christian University, #HigherEd and #Enrollment.
Heath Einstein (gently) schooled me on something rad: “Colleges” are not a monolith. We (ok it's me.... I do this, often) love to lump all institutions together, but as Heath highlights, each college operates independently, navigating unique challenges, goals, and priorities. No single governing body sets the rules for all of us. We’re each forging our own path—often quietly influencing each other, but never identical. If we’re serious about driving meaningful change in higher education, it starts by understanding this nuance. Remember: TCU is not Harvard, which is not your local community college. One-size-fits-all thinking won’t get us where we need to go. Curious—how does recognizing this shift your perspective about higher-ed?