HERE WE GO! The Collaborative Changemaking Field Guide and Certificate for College & University Students
Very excited to be launching this in earnest after some great lessons learned and insights from piloting this summer. Big shout out to our partners Ashoka, Ashoka U, and National Peace Corps Association. Check it out and apply here -
Some modifications/ edits since our soft launch in May. We've really simplified things.
+ The Field Guide is now a downloadable PDF instead of a separate book. You can download a sample on the website.
+ As you'll see on the website, we've created separate offerings for high school students (in the works), college & university students, and for professional development (post about this coming soon).
+ I've recorded a video explainer that you'll find on the website.
+ It should take about 15 hours to complete the requirements. Simply weave the work into existing volunteering, interning, school program etc. experience(s).
+ We've created a points system to help participants track progress. Thanks to Miami Dade College for sparking this idea.
+ We've included some foundational requirements in the second module. For example, participants are asked to choose and reflect on a #solutionsjournalism article from Solutions Journalism Network's amazing database. We want participants to familiarize themselves with all of the great resources available in this space.
+ Participants now capture their work in their "Collaborative Changemaking Portfolio" in Google Docs. This makes it portable.
+ Participants can choose if they want their LinkedIn certificate to be from AshokaU or National Peace Corps Association.
+ We've kept the investment at a hopefully very accessible $125 per participant.
Special thanks to Paul Kessler Rogers, Quinn McKenna, Eidi Cruz-Valdivieso, Diana Wells, Eva (Evangelina) Sundgrenz, Dan Baker, James OMeara, Dr. Tadios Belay, Heather MacCleoud, PhD, Heather Neuwirth Lovejoy, Dana Anderson, Sarah Messner, Betsy Vegso, Caroline Bushnell for the wonderful #collaboration over these months.
#certificate, #empathy, #changemaking, #collaboration, #empathy, #empowerment, #communityengagement, #professionaldevelopment, #socialentrepreneuership, #socialinnovation, #changemakers, #upskilling, #21stcenturyskills
Collaborative Changemaking, Social Entrepreneur Corps