What a great event to have our first ever showcase!! Loved the energy and participation from the attendees & speakers, great panel discussions! Great to see #AIinHealthcare #integratedmedicine #foodasmedicine #bhagwadgitaformentalhealth #crossbordermedicine topics in the center of it all. Built some amazing connections! Our wound care management and data unifier products had the maximum spotlight. This event showcase comes right after our recent acceptance into the prestigious NVIDIA AI Inception program. We are thrilled to see our #carecoordination platform getting more and more traction. Thank you TALHospitals Sai Gundavelli Vikas Burri #healthfest2024 #TALHospitals #hospitals #Stanford #startups #healthcare #digitalhealthcare #healthcareAI #carecontinuum #intelligenthealth #ai #genai #womenhealth Naidu Annamaneni Ramarao Lankipalli Ravi Kamepalli Ravi Katta Rakesh K. Sharma, MD, FACC, FSCAI, FSCCT Uli K. Chettipally, MD., MPH. Priyam Parikh Venu Chillarige Ravi Katta Anita Manwani Janardan Prasad Praveen Dua Prashanth Aditya Susarla Prof. Shahram Yousefi, PhD, PEng (Mesh AI) Kovey Kovalan