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Coimex Inc.

Coimex Inc.


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International Foreign Trade Community


Coimex is an International Trade Community that brings together trustable importers and exporters, providing payment & financial solutions, through blockchain technology.

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New Castle,Delaware


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    607 Deemer Pl

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    The Turkish Grain Board (TMO) has announced the cereal sales prices for February 2025. TMO has increased the sales prices of durum wheat, bread wheat, barley, and rye. The price of durum wheat has been raised by 240 TL per ton, bread wheat by 230 TL, barley by 170 TL, and rye by 170 TL. TMO stated that bread wheat and durum wheat from the institution's stocks will be sold freely to users, barley will be sold based on actual consumption, and rye and oats will be sold freely without distinction between individuals and organizations, starting from February 3, 2025, on a cash payment basis. WHAT IS THE FEBRUARY DURUM WHEAT SALES PRICE? The price of durum wheat has been increased by an average of 240 TL per ton. The sales price for domestic durum wheat in open storage will be 11,900 TL/ton, while the price for durum wheat in closed storage will be 12,350 TL/ton. —- Toprak Mahsulleri Ofisi (TMO), 2025 y?l? ?ubat ay? hububat sat?? fiyatlar?n? a??klad?. TMO, makarnal?k bu?day, ekmeklik bu?day, arpa ve ?avdar sat?? fiyatlar?nda art??a gitti. Makarnal?k bu?day fiyat?nda tonda 240 lira, ekmeklik bu?dayda 230 lira, arpada 170 lira ve ?avdarda 170 lira fiyatlar? art?ran TMO, kurum stoklar?nda bulunan ekmeklik bu?day ve makarnal?k bu?day kullan?c?s?na serbest olarak, arpalar kullan?c?s?na fiili tüketim esas?na g?re, ?avdar ve yulaflar ise ki?i ve kurulu? ayr?m? yap?lmaks?z?n serbest olarak 03 ?ubat 2025’ten itibaren pe?in bedel mukabili sat??a a??ld???n? a??klad?. TMO ?UBAT AYI MAKARNALIK BU?DAY SATI? F?YATI NE KADAR? Makarnal?k bu?day fiyat? tonda ortalama 240 lira art?r?ld?. A??k depo yerli makarnal?k bu?day sat?? fiyat? 11900 TL/ton, kapal? depo makarnal?k bu?day sat?? fiyat? da 12350 TL/tondan sat?lacak. #TMO #CerealPrices #Agriculture #GrainMarket #WheatPrices #Barley #Rye #TurkeyEconomy #Farmers #Tah?lFiyatlar? #Tar?m #HububatPiyasas? #Bu?dayFiyatlar? #Arpa #?avdar #TürkiyeEkonomisi #?ift?iler

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    The ?zmir AGROEXPO International Agriculture and Livestock Fair brought together industry representatives for the 20th time. Speaking at the opening ceremony, ?zmir Commodity Exchange Chairman I??nsu Kestelli emphasized that the growth in agriculture has worryingly lagged behind the average economic growth for a long time. She stated that agriculture and livestock need to be positioned as strategic sectors in all their components. Kestelli highlighted that the agricultural sector is among the industries with the highest risks and uncertainties, saying, “Today, Turkey ranks 9th in the world and 1st in Europe in agricultural output. In vegetable production, Turkey is 4th globally, and in fruit production, it ranks 6th worldwide. However, we are currently undergoing a rapid transformation in what we can call Smart Agriculture 5.0. —- ?zmir AGROEXPO Uluslararas? Ta-r?m ve Hayvanc?l?k Fuar?, 20. kez sekt?r temsilcilerini bir araya getirdi. A??l?? t?reninde konu?-ma yapan ?zmir Ticaret Borsas? Y?netim Kurulu Ba?kan? I??nsu Kestelli; tar?mdaki büyümenin, endi?e verici ?ekilde uzun süre-dir ekonomideki ortalama büyü-menin alt?nda seyretti?ine dikkat ?ekerek, tar?m ve hayvanc?l???n tüm bile?enleriyle stratejik sek-t?r olarak ?nünün a??lmas? gerek-ti?ini ifade etti. Tar?m sekt?rünün üzerin-de en ?ok risk ve belirsizlik bulu-nan sekt?rlerin ba??nda geldi?i-ne vurgu yapan Kestelli, “Bugün Türkiye tar?msal has?lada dünya-da 9, Avrupa’da 1’inci s?rada. Seb-ze üretiminde dünyada 4, meyve üretiminde ise dünyada 6’nc? s?-rada bulunuyor. Ancak i?inde bu-lundu?umuz ve tar?m 5.0 olarak adland?rabilece?imiz ak?ll? tar?m dünyas?nda son derece h?zl? bir de?i?im-d?nü?üm sürecinden ge-?iyoruz. #AGROEXPO2025 #IzmirAgroexpo #Farming5_0 #AgriculturalEconomy #FoodSecurity #AGROEXPO2025 #?zmirAgroexpo #Tar?m5_0 #Tar?mEkonomisi

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    U.S. President Donald Trump’s brief threat of imposing tariffs on Colombia has caused major turbulence in the global coffee market. This development led to a record surge in arabica coffee futures. Global coffee supply issues, combined with reduced production in major producers like Brazil and Vietnam, are driving prices upward. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) expects global coffee stocks to drop to their lowest levels in the past 25 years during the 2024-2025 season. COLOMBIA’S CRITICAL ROLE IN THE COFFEE MARKET Colombia, the world’s third-largest coffee producer and the second-largest arabica coffee producer, supplies about 20% of U.S. coffee imports. Therefore, any disruption in Colombia could further drive up global coffee prices. —- ABD Ba?kan? Donald Trump’?n Kolombiya’ya y?nelik k?sa süreli gümrük vergisi tehdidi, küresel kahve piyasas?nda büyük bir dalgalanma yaratt?. Bu geli?me, arabica kahve vadeli i?lemlerinde rekor bir art??a yol a?t?. Küresel kahve arz?ndaki s?k?nt?lar, Brezilya ve Vietnam gibi büyük üreticilerdeki dü?ük üretimle birle?erek fiyatlar? yukar?ya ta??yor. ABD Tar?m Bakanl??? (USDA), 2024-2025 sezonunda dünya kahve stoklar?n?n son 25 y?l?n en dü?ük seviyesine gerilemesini bekliyor. KOLOMB?YA’NIN KAHVE P?YASASINDAK? KR?T?K ROLü Kolombiya, dünyan?n en büyük ü?üncü kahve üreticisi ve en büyük ikinci arabica kahve üreticisi olarak, ABD’ye yap?lan kahve ithalat?n?n yakla??k yüzde 20’sini kar??l?yor. Bu nedenle, Kolombiya’da ya?anacak herhangi bir aksama, küresel kahve fiyatlar?n? daha da yükseltebilir. #CoffeeMarket #Arabica #GlobalEconomy #CoffeePrices #KahvePiyasas? #Arabica #KüreselEkonomi #KahveFiyatlar?

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    Coimex and PIXL collaboration aims to make trading more transparent, secure and efficient. ?? Purpose of the Partnership: By bringing together Coimex's Exim Token project and PiXL's real estate tokenization platform, we aim to provide investors with more liquid and accessible opportunities. ???? ?? Expected Benefits: More secure and transparent transactions Small and medium-sized enterprises play a more active role in global trade Easy access to new markets and global opportunities! ???? ?? With Coimex, the future of trade is shaped by blockchain technology, and with PiXL we digitalize real estate investments. —- Coimex ve P?XL i?birli?i, ticareti daha ?effaf, güvenli ve verimli hale getirmeyi hedefliyor. ?? Ortakl???n Amac?: Coimex'in Exim Token projesi ile PiXL'in gayrimenkul tokenizasyon platformunu bir araya getirerek, yat?r?mc?lara daha likit ve eri?ilebilir f?rsatlar sunmay? ama?l?yoruz. ???? ?? Beklenen Faydalar: Daha güvenli ve ?effaf i?lemler Kü?ük ve orta ?l?ekli i?letmelerin küresel ticarette daha etkin rol oynamas? Yeni pazarlara kolay eri?im ve global f?rsatlar! ???? ?? Coimex ile ticaretin gelece?i blockchain teknolojisiyle ?ekilleniyor, PiXL ile gayrimenkul yat?r?mlar?n? dijitalle?tiriyoruz. #blockchain #gayrimenkul #realestate #tokenizasyon #tokenization #dijitalle?me #digitalization #ticaret #trade?#innovation #eximtoken #globaltrade

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    Russia reached a record-breaking 72 million tons in grain exports in 2024. This marks a significant increase from 2023, when exports totaled 68.6 million tons. Rusagrotrans predicts that by 2030, grain exports will exceed 75 million tons, creating a $17 billion market. It is estimated that wheat will account for 80% of the grain exports, corn for 10%, and barley for 9%. Reasons Behind the Increase in Grain Exports… Experts point to increased efficiency in Russia's grain production, rising global food demand, and competitive pricing policies as key factors driving the export growth. Additionally, strong demand from China and Middle Eastern markets has supported Russia’s grain trade. This growth in grain exports could position Russia even more strongly in the global grain trade market. --- Rusya, 2024 y?l?nda tah?l ihracat?nda rekor k?rarak 72 milyon tona ula?t?. 2023 y?l?nda 68,6 milyon ton olarak ger?ekle?en ihracat, bir y?lda ?nemli bir art?? g?sterdi. Rusagrotrans, 2030 y?l?na kadar tah?l ihracat?n?n 75 milyon tonu a?arak 17 milyar dolarl?k bir pazar olu?turaca??n? ?ng?rüyor. Tah?l ihracat?nda bu?day?n %80, m?s?r?n %10 ve arpan?n %9 paya sahip olaca?? tahmin ediliyor. Tah?l ihracat?ndaki art???n nedenleri… Uzmanlar, Rusya’n?n tah?l üretimindeki verimlilik art???, küresel g?da talebindeki yükseli? ve rekabet?i fiyat politikalar?n?n ihracat art???nda ?nemli rol oynad???n? belirtiyor. Ayr?ca, ?in ve Orta Do?u pazarlar?ndaki gü?lü talebin, Rusya’n?n tah?l ticaretini destekledi?i ifade ediliyor. Rusya'n?n tah?l ihracat?ndaki bu büyüme, ülkeyi küresel tah?l ticaretinde daha da gü?lü bir konuma ta??yabilir. #Russia #GrainExport #Wheat #Agriculture #Economy #Export #FoodTrade #GrainMarket #China #MiddleEast #GlobalTrade #Rusya #Tah?l?hracat? #Bu?day #Tar?m #Ekonomi #?hracat #G?daTicareti #Tah?lPiyasas? #KüreselTicaret

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    ?? Güneydo?u’dan ?hracat 2,8 Milyar Dolar? A?t?! ???? Güneydo?u Anadolu, 2024’ün ilk 10 ay?nda 2,8 milyar dolarl?k hububat, bakliyat ve ya?l? tohum ihracat? ger?ekle?tirdi. Ekim ay?nda 76,7 bin ton makarna lider ürün olurken, 31,4 bin ton ay?i?e?i ya?? ve 13 bin tonun üzerinde bisküvi, gofret, ?ikolata ve kakao i?eren ürün ihra? edildi. ?? GA?B Ba?kan? Celal Kadoo?lu, bu ürünlerin birim fiyatlar?n?n 3,5-4 dolar aras?nda oldu?unu ve b?lgenin y?lda 500 milyon dolara yak?n ihracat geliri elde etti?ini belirtti. #?hracat #Güneydo?uAnadolu #GA?B #Makarna #Bakliyat #Ay?i?e?iYa?? #?ikolata #G?da?hracat? #Ekonomi #Ticaret

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    Trump’?n ba?kanl??? ve ABD’de kurakl???n hafiflemesi, bu?day vadeli i?lem fiyatlar?n?n dü?mesine ve ekin ko?ullar?n?n iyile?mesine neden oldu, y?ll?k sat??lar %19,8 artt?. Avrupa’da üretim sorunlar? ve Ukrayna’dan azalan ithalat nedeniyle arz daral?yor. Rus ?ift?iler yüksek faiz oranlar? nedeniyle tah?l sat??lar?n? h?zland?rarak ihracat? art?r?yor ancak bu durum fiyat dü?ü?ü riski ta??yor. --- Trump’s presidency and easing drought in the U.S. led to lower wheat futures prices and improved crop conditions, with a 19.8% rise in annual sales. In Europe, supply shortages due to production issues and reduced Ukrainian imports are tightening the market. Russian farmers are accelerating grain sales amid high interest rates, boosting exports but risking price declines. #Bu?dayPiyasas? #KüreselTicaret #Tar?mHaberleri #PiyasaAnalizi #WheatMarket #GlobalTrade #EconomicTrends #USDA

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    ?talya'n?n kuzeyinde zeytin verimi, sinek zarar?na ra?men sa?l?kl? olmalar?na kar??n ortalaman?n alt?nda. Baz? üreticiler bunu eylül ay?ndaki güne? eksikli?ine ba?l?yor. Orta ?talya'da üretim iyi olsa da büyük zeytinlerin fazla su tutmas? ya? verimini dü?ürüyor. Bu durum, s?cak ve kurak bir yaz?n ard?ndan gelen sonbahar ya?murlar?na ba?lan?yor. Yine de üreticiler, zeytinya??n?n kalitesinin yüksek olaca??n? vurguluyor. Dü?ük verim nedeniyle piyasada arz?n azalmas? ve fiyatlar?n yükselmesi bekleniyor. --- Olive yields in northern Italy are below average despite the olives being healthy and showing no signs of pest damage. Some producers attribute this to the lack of sunlight in September. In central Italy, production is good, but large olives retain too much water, reducing oil yield. This is linked to autumn rains following a hot and dry summer. Nevertheless, producers emphasize that the quality of the olive oil will be high. Due to the low yields, a decrease in supply and a rise in prices are expected in the market. #Zeytinya?? #?talyaZeytinya?? #ZeytinHasad? #Tar?m #?ift?ilik #G?daFiyatlar? #OliveOil #ItalianOliveOil #OliveHarvest #Agriculture #FoodPrices

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    Günümüzde teknoloji, d?? ticareti yeniden ?ekillendiriyor. Coimex Web2 ve Web3 ??zümleri ile d?? ticaretteki güven problemlerini ??zmek amac?yla yola ??kt?. Coimex’in tüm hizmetleri, tamamen bu amaca hizmet ederek, ?irketlerin i? yap?? ?ekillerini modernize ediyor. Coimex’in Web2 ve Web3 ??zümleriyle i? yap?? ?ekillerini nas?l modernize etti?ini ke?fetmek i?in t?klay?n.? ?? --- Today, technology is reshaping international trade. Coimex embarked on its journey to address trust issues in trade with its Web2 and Web3 solutions. All of Coimex's services are designed to serve this purpose, modernizing the way companies conduct business. Discover how Coimex's Web2 and Web3 solutions are transforming business operations. Click to learn more. ?? #Coimex #Web2 #Web3 #Blockchain #Technology #Teknoloji

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    Ni?de ?mer Halisdemir üniversitesi A???l?k B?lümü ??retim G?revlisi Mevlüt ?lmez, ??rencileriyle birlikte yerel ürünler kullanarak Dubai ?ikolatas?na farkl? bir yorum getirdi. Elma, ceviz, badem, kay?s? gibi kolay ula??labilir malzemelerle haz?rlanan ?ikolatan?n protein a??s?ndan daha gü?lü oldu?unu belirtti. "Maliyet Daha Dü?ük, Protein Daha Fazla" ?lmez, ?ikolatan?n herkes taraf?ndan uygulanabilir ve sürdürülebilir olmas?na ?zen g?sterdiklerini vurgulad?. Tescilli Darbo?az kiraz?, misket elma, ceviz, kay?s?, üzüm ve tahin kullanarak maliyeti dü?ük, besleyici bir lezzet olu?turduklar?n? s?yledi. Henüz ismi olmayan bu ?ikolatan?n evde kolayca haz?rlanabilece?ini ekledi. --- A New Alternative to Dubai Chocolate! Chef instructor Mevlüt ?lmez and his students created a unique version of Dubai chocolate using local ingredients. They incorporated easily accessible ingredients such as apples, walnuts, almonds, and apricots, making the chocolate richer in protein. "Lower Cost, Higher Protein" ?lmez emphasized that their chocolate is designed to be affordable, accessible, and sustainable. By using regional specialties like cherries, apples, walnuts, apricots, grapes, and tahini, they created a nutritious and budget-friendly treat. He also noted that the chocolate does not yet have a name and can be easily made at home. #Ni?de?ikolatas? #YerelLezzetler #Gastronomi #Sa?l?kl?At??t?rmal?k #ProteinZengini #Do?alLezzet #NigdeChocolate #LocalFlavors #Gastronomy #HealthySnack #ProteinRich #NaturalTaste

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