I GRADUATED!!???????
Last night,, I ruined my makeup so many times from happy tears?????? I graduated as one of the “CoPilots????????????” in CodeCrew Code School’s first ever AI Engineering cohort!! ??????(yes there were only two of us- best experience everrr,, and it was the first summer cohort too :D)
I’m so grateful for my brilliant instructors (Ray Lumumba,, Jill Johnson,, & Daniel Jones),, the most patient TAs (Jordan Hobson & Kodiliose Emelue),, and Conner Thompson for all of your help and encouragement.???? Your guidance has not only made me a better programmer,, but also a more confident dreamer and goal achiever ready to take on the world.???? Through CodeCrew,, I discovered a community that feels more like family,, and a new cohort of students who inspire me to up my grind!!
A massive thank you to EVERYONE who showed up last night to support and celebrate with us!?? Thank you from the bottom of my heart Audrey Willis,, Meka Egwuekwe,, ToNaya Pye,, Ashley Weaver,, and the entire staff. I couldn’t have done it without u all. I DID IT!!!?????? Alhamdulillah. And I’m beyond proud of my fellow CoPilot,, James Hammett,, for flying alongside this journey with me.??
Here’s to new beginnings,, exciting challenges,, and many more late night coding sessions. On to the next chapter- lets see where this flight takes us!?????????
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