FiCS 2025 Sport Investment Forum: A Global Commitment Takes Shape During the 5th edition of The Finance In Common Summit in Cape Town, the Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport reaffirmed its mission: shifting from recognition to concrete, large-scale investments in sport as a driver of social, economic, and environmental progress. The FiCS also hosted the inaugural FiCS Sport Investment Forum, underscoring the growing momentum to unlock public and private investments for impactful sport-for-development projects. The momentum is set, and the call is clear: public financial institutions and partners are invited to join this global movement to make sport a true enabler of sustainable development. ?? Read the full joint declaration and learn more: #FiCS2025 #SportImpact #S4D Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) - Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) - AFD - Agence Fran?aise de Développement Istituto per il Credito Sportivo - e Culturale CAF -CAF -banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe- IFC - International Finance Corporation Proparco African Development Bank Group UNESCO International Olympic Committee – IOC International Paralympic Committee
Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport
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Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport转发了
?What a week! The 5th edition of The Finance In Common Summit delivered on all its promises, bringing together 2,000+ delegates from 500+ public banks and investors—with a major highlight being the ???????? ?????????? ???????????????????? ??????????, co-organized by Sport Impact in Cape Town ????. ?? ?????? ??????????????????: ? ? $???????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????? confirmed by the Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport by 2030 ? ? Sport as a key investment asset class with innovative funding instruments making waves: - ???????????? ?????????? ???????????? ???????? structuring & first closing roadmap validated - Helios Investment Partners Sport & Entertainment vehicle's $75m série B with confirmed contributions from IFC and Proparco - SouthBridge Investments currently launching the 10K Sport & Wellness Fund ? ? Case studies from dynamic collaborations among public and private sectors, sport organizations, and CSOs, fueling impactful projects—from legacy initiatives of major sporting events to human capital development. ? Following the Paris Agreement on sport (July 2024) and the G7 Declaration in Pescara (Oct 2024), this momentum reinforces the growing interest for investment in sport for both financial returns and significant societal impact, even in turbulent global times. ? ?? Definitely more than a game! #FiCS2025 #SportImpact #InvestInSport #S4D ? Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) AFD - Agence Fran?aise de Développement Istituto per il Credito Sportivo CAF -banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe- IFC - International Finance Corporation Proparco African Development Bank Group UNESCO International Olympic Committee – IOC International Paralympic Committee PLAY International African Union Sports Council
Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport转发了
#SPORT ?? We are glad to announce that the role of #Sport as a leverage for sustainable development and inclusive growth has been officially endorsed by the G7 Ministers of Development through the “Final Communiqué” and the “Pescara Declaration on Sustainable Investment in the Sport Ecosystem. ? ?? As recalled by the Final Communiqué, the G7 “emphasize the positive role that sport and the sport ecosystem can play to realise the SDGs […] and welcome the engagement of an increasing number of public development banks and other relevant financing stakeholders to mobilise quality investments to foster sport as an enabler of a wide range of SDGs”. ? ?? We want to highlight the crucial role played by the @FiCS Coalition on Sustainable Development through Sport, which has been included in the work of the Ad-hoc Expert Group on #Sport and #SustainableDevelopment, promoted for the first time by the Italian Presidency of the G7 within the work of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment (PGII). ? ? Under the leadership of Istituto per il Credito Sportivo, AFD - Agence Fran?aise de Développement and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and thanks to the technical support of International Olympic Committee – IOC, OECD-OCDE and UNESCO, the FiCS Sport Coalition supported the G7 Expert Group in the promotion of a common vision and concrete actions to foster sustainable investments in the sport dimensions, under a political, technical and financial lens. ? ? On the last one, the FiCS Coalition will have a primary role in developing the first Global Sport Impact Fund, an innovative and flexible financial instrument, launched on the eve of the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games through the Summit on Sport for Sustainable Development, aimed to support transformative projects in this sector. ? Stay tuned for future updates on this incredible journey ? Next stop to Finance in Common Summit 2025 ? ?? Find the full text of Final Communiqué and the Pescara Declaration ? Antonella Baldino, Rémy Rioux, Katia Mascagni, Gabriela Ramos, Federico Bonaglia, Ollie Dudfield, Philipp Müller-Wirth, Ekaterina Travkina, Martha Bloom, Andrea Benassi, Susumu Katsumata, Sho Sato, Patrick Jannaschk-Schmitz, Gianluca Calvosa, Matthieu Valot, Karim Aboubacar, Nelson CAMARA, Adama MARIKO, Alessandro Mancini, Sport Impact, OpenEconomics, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Istituto per il Credito Sportivo -?Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement, Bancoldex, Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD) PLC, CAF -banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe-, CDC France, Groupe CDG, CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), Laureus Foundation, IPC, ADFIMI, ALIDE, Christophe DIAS
Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport转发了
L’approvazione del “Comunicato Finale” e della “Dichiarazione di Pescara sugli investimenti sostenibili nell’ecosistema dello Sport” (Comunicato della Riunione dei Ministri dello Sviluppo del G7 di Pescara – Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale - disponibile qui:, da parte dei Ministri #G7 Sviluppo rappresenta un importante risultato per rafforzare il ruolo dello #Sport come leva straordinaria di sviluppo sostenibile e crescita inclusiva. Quest’anno, per la prima volta nella storia del G7, la Presidenza italiana ha affrontato il tema dello Sport nell’ambito della “filiera sviluppo” e ICSC è stato chiamato a ricoprire un ruolo preminente, co-presiedendo insieme al Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale i lavori del Gruppo di Esperti G7 Sport e mettendo a disposizione la sua esperienza tecnica sui temi del finanziamento e della valutazione dell’impatto degli investimenti (piattaforma #DELTA). Il tema, in coordinamento con il MAECI, il Ministro per lo Sport e i Giovani e CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti,?è stato affrontato da una prospettiva di policy, di valutazione d’impatto e finanziaria e ha visto il contributo di istituzioni internazionali (OECD - OCDE, International Olympic Committee – IOC, UNESCO), partner tecnici (OpenEconomics e Sport Impact), oltre a beneficiare di importanti sinergie con altre iniziative internazionali della finanza per lo sviluppo, come la Coalizione del Finance In Common per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile attraverso lo Sport, co-presieduta da ICSC, Agence Fran?aise de Développement e Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). L’inserimento del tema all’interno dell’Agenda G7 ha rappresentato un importante momento di confronto e di visibilità internazionale, oltre a delineare uno specifico percorso da seguire in vista delle prossime #Olimpiadi e #Paralimpiadi di #MilanoCortina2026. Antonella Baldino | #MarcoRicci | #StefanoGatti | Rémy Rioux | Federico Bonaglia | Philipp Müller-Wirth | Ollie Dudfield | Katia Mascagni | Gianluca Calvosa | Nelson CAMARA | #SusumuKatsumata | Sho Sato | Ekaterina Travkina | #MarthaBloom | Andrea Benassi | Alessandro Mancini | Tiziano Spataro | Adama MARIKO | Matthieu Valot |?Cristiano Musillo | Francesco Napolitano | #RebeccaVergine | #SilviaMarrara | Alessio Lucci Cordisco | Francesco Anesi | Gabriela Ramos | Will Mbiakop | Gustavo Merino | Patrick Jannaschk-Schmitz | Karim Aboubacar | Ayoub Ait Atman | Sport e Salute | CONI | Comitato Italiano Paralimpico | FIGC - Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio | Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 |
Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport转发了
L’AFD - Agence Fran?aise de Développement et la?Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport, en partenariat avec le Comité Paralympique et Sportif Fran?ais, ont le plaisir de vous convier à l’évènement?“ Sport and Impact Investment”?qui se tiendra au?#ClubFrance, 211 Av. Jean Jaurès 75019 Paris. ?? ?le mardi 3 septembre de 19h à 22h ?? En cohérence avec?l'accord du #Sport4SD et les marqueurs forts de #Paris2024, l’évènement vise à encourager le financement d’initiatives renfor?ant l’impact du #sport sur le développement durable, en particulier sur l’#inclusion. Il réunira des acteurs du mouvement sportif, institutionnels, financiers, et de la société civile autour de deux panels et se conclura par un cocktail. Pour y participer, inscrivez-vous vite ici : On vous attend nombreux ! AFD - Agence Fran?aise de Développement | Comité Paralympique et Sportif Fran?ais | Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport | International Paralympic Committee | UNESCO | Special Olympics | Istituto per il Credito Sportivo | CAF -banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe-| KOIS | Laureus | Paris 2024 - Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024 | The Finance In Common Summit | International Olympic Committee – IOC
?? What a day! We are very pleased to welcome new confirmed members within our Coalition: - Bancoldex from Colombia - Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD) PLC - Caisse des Dép?ts et Consignations from France - Groupe CDG from Morocco - CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti from Italy - Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) More to come… It’s now time for action!
?? Jour J ! Les annonces phares du Sport for Sustainable Development Summit s’inscrivent pleinement dans l’esprit des Jeux, résolument emblématiques. Voici un aper?u des principales initiatives : 1?? Engagement de 10 milliards de dollars d’investissement d’ici 2030 dans des infrastructures sportives locales, inclusives et durables par les membres de la Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport. 2?? Création en cours d’un fonds à impact pour le développement par le sport, avec une dotation cible prévue en marge de la prochaine réunion des ministres du G7 sur le sport pour le développement en Octobre 2024. 3?? Partenariat entre Proparco, IFC, Helios Sports and Entertainment Group pour stimuler les investissements dans les secteurs du sport et du divertissement en Afrique. 4?? Augmentation de 10 % du budget du CIO dédié à la Solidarité Olympique, porté à 650 millions de dollars pour la période 2025-2028. 5?? Investissement de 500 millions d’euros d’ici 2030 dans le sport pour le développement durable par le Groupe AFD. 6?? Déploiement de 1 000 terrains de football durables dans les écoles d’ici 2030 par la FIFA. 7?? Projet de déploiement de 1 000 terrains de basketball en Afrique par la NBA, en collaboration avec l’AFD et d’autres partenaires, au cours des 10 prochaines années. 8?? Mise en place d’un Institut fran?ais de recherche sur le sport et le développement durable, mettant l’accent sur l’impact et la recherche, avec le soutien d’acteurs privés. ?? Pour plus d’informations, consultez le communiqué de presse disponible ici ?? Place désormais à l’action ! ???? Agence Fran?aise de Développement International Olympic Committee – IOC FIFA National Basketball Association (NBA) IFC - International Finance Corporation #SPORT4SD #PlusQuunJeu #SportImpact #SportenCommun #SDG17
??? Announcement from Antonella Baldino at the Sport for Sustainable Development Summit ! <<?? The FICS Sport Coalition will invest $10 billion by 2030, both nationally and internationally, to support local sports infrastructure, grassroots sports activities and research.>> ??In addition, <<the creation of the first “Global Sport Impact Fund” will be launched to promote investment in sport for sustainable development.>> Details of this Fund will be discussed ahead of the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Development in October in Italy. #SPORT4SD
?? Discover the speakers at the Sport for Sustainable Development Summit, held today, Thursday July 25, in Paris, on the eve of the opening of the #Paris2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games! Heads of state, leaders of international organizations, athletes, representatives of the sporting movement (French and international federations, the Olympic Movement, associations and entrepreneurs), and development financing players, all gathered around the shared agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. ?? Join us from 5 to 6.30pm on the summit site to follow this event live! ? #SPORT4SD
? D-2 before #SPORT4SD! Join us Thursday July 25 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. to follow online and live the Summit for Sport and Sustainable Development, organized by the International Olympic Committee – IOC and the Présidence de la République Fran?aise with the support of AFD - Agence Fran?aise de Développement. ??? Follow the event live on the Summit website??
Coalition for Sustainable Development through Sport转发了
#Sport4SD | Investir dans le sport pour un monde plus durable ! Avec la coalition Finance In Common nous libérons le potentiel du #sport à travers des investissements solidaires et durables.???? Avec 58 millions d'euros de financements pour 13 projets, nous encourageons le financement de projets innovants qui contribuent au développement durable. ? Infrastructures sportives écologiques. ? Programmes de sport pour la paix et le développement. ? Initiatives visant à l'inclusion sociale par le sport. Finance in Common est une coalition mondiale de banques de développement, dont nous faisons partie, qui travaille à aligner les investissements financiers avec les ODD et à promouvoir des pratiques d'investissement durable. Tout savoir sur le sommet ? Le Sport pour le Développement Durable ? et ses objectifs ?? International Olympic Committee – IOC | Présidence de la République Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères | Ministère des Sports et des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques | Paris 2024 - Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024 | Expertise France | Proparco | Céline GILQUIN | Christophe DIAS |