We are super excited to be working on #SciVite! Stay tuned and follow both pages to see more!
Introducing #SciVite: Your Invitation to Science! The new Life Sciences Building at Washington State University Vancouver is more than just a new space for students – it’s a hub for innovation, ideas, and collaboration. This term, the Digital Technologies and Culture senior seminar class is showcasing the newest addition to the Vancouver campus! SciVite is a virtual exploration that takes you behind the scenes to explore the groundbreaking research, real-world skills students are learning, and the intentional design of the spaces. Science is for EVERYONE – not just those who are traditionally represented. By highlighting diverse student success stories, the many different paths to take, and making it all more approachable, we invite YOU to see yourself in Science! Follow along to see the spaces where science happens, the faces who advance science, and how ideas emerge! Stay tuned for student spotlights, faculty Fridays, and more! #SciVite #LifeSciences #WhereScienceHappens #WhoAdvancesScience #HowIdeasEmerge #WashingtonStateUniversityVancouver