????Yesterday, CLABLA hosted the UNIDROIT - International Institute for the Unification of Private Law for an insightful panel. We are incredibly grateful for all the valuable insights shared, and we extend our thanks to Anna Veneziano Ignacio Tirado William Brydie-Watson and Professor Alejandro Garro! It is remarkable to think that, 25 years ago, thanks to the interest and support of Prof. Garro, CLABLA was founded—and that continues to bring together students, professionals, and alumni to host meaningful discussions like yesterday’s. Additionally, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the distinguished professionals and academic experts from UNIDROIT who helped shape this program: Pedro Mendoza Montano ; Jose Antonio Moreno Rodriguez ; Cecilia Fresnedo de Aguirre ; Jorge Oviedo Albán ; María Ignacia Vial Undurraga and Jorge Sánchez Cordero. #CLABLA20242025 #UNIDROIT #InternationalLaw #internationalarbitration #internationalcommercialcontracts