Climate Cleanup 转发了
?????? ???????? ?????????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ???????? ???? ??????????, ?????? ???????? / ?????????????????? ???????? Last week together with the Climate Cleanup foundation (Sacha Brons & Jelle De Bijl), I visited the head quarters of KIRITEC in West Germany near Dusseldorf. With their parent company WeGrow AG they develop in vitro plants that are sold all over the world, to establish plantations of the fast growing Kiri tree (first thinning after 6 years, then larger fellings after 12 years), with in total 400 hectares in Spain and North East Germany. Because of the special root system and the large leaves, Kiri trees grow extremely fast (check out my picture with 4 year old Kiri trees, and also the huge year rings on the pictures), yielding an extremely light sawn timber (250 kg / m3), with high fire resistance, good insulation properties and seemingly good biological durability (check out the cladding mockup pictures after 5 years of exposure). The grain of the wood is beautiful resembling Radiata Pine and the tactility is very nice. The challenge for Kiri wood, as a newcomer on the market, is to find the right applications, including technical certification to showcase that this new wood product meets all requirements, e.g. for structural use. For example, Derix Group is testing if the material is suitable for producing #CLT used for structural walls (see the sample in the picture), but also the hexagonal dowel based building system (see pictures) that Kiritec has developed seems very promising because of the high efficiency (hardly any loss in processing from stem to product). Thanks a lot Allin Gasparian and Robin Palm for the inspiring tour (and Derix Group for the invite), I will keep following your company with large interest, and also how the Paulownia tree is growing in various locations in the Netherlands through the Building Balance program.