There is a great article within the BEACON on disaster planning, a topic that’s close to my heart. The importance is obvious when it comes to protecting those we love and care for. In my line of work, helping to rebuild lives and properties after disasters, I've seen firsthand how taking time to prepare for the unexpected—whether it’s a natural disaster or something like a burst pipe—dramatically speeds up the road to recovery. I encourage you to read the article and take action. Your family, friends, and employees are depending on you. Don’t wait—plan now!
Disaster! Are you ready? Our SUMMER/FALL Beacon Magazine is now LIVE! Learn all about Disaster Preparedness & more in our latest issue of the Beacon! #beaconmagazine #caicrc You can check out the Beacon here! Many thanks to our advertisers in this issue! Becht Engineering BT, Inc. Connie Phillips Insurance Financial, Deeley Insurance Group, Duradek MidAtlantic, EJF Real Estate Services, Inc., Rees Broome, PC, GreenSweep LLC, Kris Konstruction Inc, Miller Dodson Associates, Inc. & Minkoff Co Inc