The City of Lancaster extends our heartfelt appreciation to Dillon Morgan Consulting Inc for their partnership in equipping our team with the tools for transformation!
Celebrating Lancaster’s Commitment to Re-Imagine Transformation! We are excited to celebrate 21 employees from the City of Lancaster, TX who successfully completed DMC’s Business Transformation Leadership Foundations course and earned their Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification! This milestone reflects Lancaster’s commitment to operational excellence, innovation, and delivering better services to the community. Their investment in process improvement and leadership development will drive real impact for years to come. Participants represented a diverse range of departments, including Public Works, Code Compliance, Development Services, City Secretary, Fleet Services, Police, Fire, and more— demonstrating that business transformation is for every function, every team, and every leader. A special thank you to City Manager Opal Mauldin-Jones. Her dedication to equipping her team with the tools and mindset for transformation is truly inspiring. At Dillon Morgan Consulting Inc, we believe that transformation starts with empowered leaders and practical tools to drive sustainable change. If you're looking to develop business transformation leaders in your organization, explore DMC Academy and our Business Transformation Leadership Programs. Learn more here: Reimagine Transformation With Us! Congratulations again to the City of Lancaster, TX team—this is just the beginning of your transformation journey! #ReImagineTransformation #LeanSixSigma #BusinessTransformation #ContinuousImprovement #Leadership #ProcessExcellence #DMCConsulting #DMCAcademy