This time it’s different — the siren song of energy markets.
Well, ok, all markets. But I’m just off a week of all energy all the time at CERAWeek by S&P Global, an industry jamboree to end all industry jamborees, except they do it every year.
This year’s unofficial theme was addition, or maybe multiplication is a better word.
So much need for so much more. It was repeated over and over — additional fossil fuels, additional renewables, additional energy sources we don’t even have yet.
I didn’t hear a panelist hazard even a guess of what we might need less of. There were some rumblings about global oil demand racking up only modest additions in the face of China’s long struggling economy and America’s suddenly shakey expansion, I suppose.
Why the voracious energy appetite, mainly for electricity?
Artificial intelligence, the new thing panelist after panelist pointed to as the driver of demand.
Shiny object or new paradigm? Far less thought was put into that question than to expressions of awe and wonder, and the imperative to make more energy to feed it.
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