Choke IndustriesµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
Choke Industries

Choke Industries


Seattle��Wa 69 λ��ע��


Choke Industries, LLC. is a brand born in Seattle��s Fremont neighborhood. Starting as an apartment-based operation in 2008, Matt and Jeff began by selling their wares through two avenues- the internet and the Fremont Farmer��s Market. Their approach to the company was to create memorable designs on quality products that stood out among the crowd. By early 2009, the Choke operation outgrew its home in Fremont and relocated to Seattle��s SODO neighborhood to a new studio space and their first printing press. Being able to print the designs themselves allowed for greater creative freedoms within the lines of production and allowed Choke to develop their custom print shop (Choke Print Shop). While supporting themselves and their passions, Matt and Jeff were now able to create unique products that also supported other local businesses and organizations.

2-10 ��
Screen Printing��Graphic Tees


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