”Think Big,Do Small(立大志、做小事)” 关于China Thinks Big China Thinks Big 中国大智汇创新研究挑战赛,简称 CTB,是中国最大的高中生在线学习竞赛,由哈佛大学和清华大学于 2012 年联合发起,联合耶鲁、斯坦福、麻省理工、北大、复旦、交大等国内外近百所顶尖大学机构教授专家一起,为中国中学生精心设计百余个研究课题,以在线挑战赛、现场答辩赛和北美路演赛等形式寻找最具独立学习能力、独特思维方式和独创实践方案的出色中学生,并帮助他们实现世界一流大学的升学梦想。 中国大智汇的挑战课题覆盖 19 门大学核心学科,课题大多以关注社会和人类的发展切入,因此受到联合国教科文组织、克林顿基金会、盖茨基金会、壹基金、世界自然基金会、罗德奖学金、苏世民奖学金、中国与全球化智库等国际机构的高度关注。 学生成果更是多次列入地方人大讨论的提案、发表于专业学术期刊、受到中央电视台、 《人民日报》、《中国日报》、《福布斯》、《经济学人》、《南方周末》等媒体的专题报道和独家点评,传播影响着数百万人学生、教育者、和社会人士。 自 2012 年哈佛商学院和清华经管学院学者联合启动中国大智汇比赛以来,比赛不断在全国乃至世界华人范围内寻找和培养学生独特的才华,无论是学术精英、团队领袖、艺术家、社会活动家、发明家还是演讲家,都能在这个汇集了中国最富创新和实践精神的青少年平台找到展示自己的机会。历届比赛获奖者中走出了多省高考状元、近百位哈佛耶鲁等世界名校录取者、近千位自主招生录取者,在过去几年中已成为海外大学录取、国内大学自主招生等升学体系的重要奖项依据。 与此同时,中国大智汇也正积极拓展与中国顶尖高中的合作,邀请全国百所优秀高中领导和教育者亲历由 CTB 独家首创的中学生赴美多所顶尖大学路演赛,优秀参赛队将向哈佛、耶鲁等世界名校的专家教授阐述自己的研究成果,获得他们的点评和后续指导。相关领导和教育者还将前往合作机构和院校培训探讨高中在线学习、创新研究性学习的实践和未来。 China Thinks Big is the largest and most impactful research-based social entrepreneurship competition held by Harvard organizations in China. Modeled after Harvard’s own Harvard Thinks Big, China Thinks Big brings Harvard’s research methodology and innovative mindset to China’s aspiring youth. Over the course of a 6-month competition, under guidance from a judging committee from Harvard, Yale and MIT, as well as top Chinese universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University and Fudan University, students learn to initiate and complete independent group research projects focused on one of 100 challenges across 19 subjects including Art, Business and Entrepreneurship, Architecture and Urban Studies, Psychology, Engineering and Technology, and so forth, forming China’s largest innovation youth community. Each year, China Thinks Big attracts participation from thousands of high school students from hundreds of top high schools nationwide. This year alone, social media campaigns initiated by China Thinks Big participants have cumulatively impacted an audience group of several million people. In the past 5 years of the competition, participants’ research papers and proposals have later developed into articles published in academic journals, policy papers accepted by provincial People’s Congress branches around China, and social initiatives widely covered by national media outlets such as People’s Daily, CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, CBNweekly, and China Daily.
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- 所属行业
- 智库
- 规模
- 51-200 人
- 总部
- Cambridge,MA
- 创立
- 2012
59 Shepard Street