Children's Trust of South CarolinaµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
Children's Trust of South Carolina

Children's Trust of South Carolina


Columbia��SC 2,319 λ��ע��

We believe all children should thrive, live in secure families and be surrounded by supportive communities.


Children��s Trust of South Carolina is a statewide organization focused on the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Through training, research and advocacy, we equip parents and professionals with knowledge, skills and resources to help children grow up happy, healthy and safe. We invest in proven prevention programs including home visiting for new moms, the Strengthening Families Program and Triple P (Positive Parenting Program). In addition, we lead the state��s coordinated efforts for family resource centers, KIDS COUNT, prevention messaging and Child Abuse Prevention Month.

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Child abuse and neglect prevention��Child and family well-being data��Prevention program funding and support��Home visiting��Strengthening Families Program��Triple P South Carolina��KIDS COUNT South Carolina��S.C. Family Resource Center Network��Standards of quality��Provider training��S.C. Adverse Childhood Experience Initiative ��Protector Factor Framework��Healthy Families America��Nurse-Family Partnership��Parents as Teachers��Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention��Child Abuse Prevention Month��Primary prevention��Advocacy and Policy��Parent resources at


Children's Trust of South CarolinaԱ��


