Children's HopeChestµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
Children's HopeChest

Children's HopeChest


Colorado Springs��CO 1,401 λ��ע��

Releasing the potential of orphaned and vulnerable children and their communities through partnerships.


Children��s HopeChest exists to glorify God by releasing the potential of orphaned and impoverished children and their communities. We do this through partnerships that cultivate two-way transformation. What makes us unique? Children��s HopeChest develops highly relational, Community-to-Community partnerships between communities in North America and communities of orphaned and vulnerable children in eight countries. We believe the most transformational, holistic, sustainable, and long-term change occurs when one community partners with another. HopeChest currently has partnerships in Russia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Guatemala, Kenya, and the United States.

11-50 ��
Colorado Springs��CO
Holistic Community Development��Church Partnerships��Christian Leadership Development��Child Sponsorship��International Development��Poverty Relief��Vocational Training��Educational Support��Nutritional Support


Children's HopeChestԱ��


