Thank you EASTside Magazine for the feature! Check out the full article link in the comments.
Why do adults lose a sense of creativity and play? Why does this even matter in a corporate setting? ???? It matters greatly. Creativity is the foundation for innovation. For your employees, clients... keeping your customers inspired. I think a characteristic that children have more than adults (by a landslide) is the willingness to try something new and be curious, without self-doubt. I've never heard a child say "I can't even draw a stick figure". And yet, I've heard it countless times from adults in art workshops before we even get started. Incorporate creativity into your daily and weekly meetings—test new ideas and embrace experimentation. I'm passionate about helping teams and companies unlock their creative potential and helping to remove an element of self-doubt that is simply not necessary. Thank you to EASTside Magazine for featuring the Cherrywood Treehouse Art Studio in this month's issue!!