I was honored by the invitation to attend the ceremonial bill signing and formalization by Governor Henry McMaster of the South Carolina Ireland Trade Commission last Wednesday, which seeks to advance bilateral trade and investment opportunities between South Carolina and the Republic of Ireland.
Thank you, Lt. Governor Pamela Evette, Samuel Smith, and South Carolina State Senator Mike Reichenbach, and to the South Carolina Ireland Trade Committee with such an excellent afternoon at the State House. Time well spent!
Representing the Republic of Ireland in formalizing the Trade Commission were Consulate General of Ireland, Atlanta, Frank Groome, and Vice Consulate General of Ireland, Atlanta Nicole Sheils, whom Charleston Sister Cities International looks forward to collaborating with as we continue to deepen our ties between the Charleston Region and the Republic of Ireland.
Clearly, Charleston Sister Cities International and our Partners are so excited and pleased to see the South Carolina Ireland Trade Commisson launched! In 2021, City of Charleston Councilman Kevin Shealy and I were invited to the Embassy of Ireland, USA Residence, Washington, for coffee with Ambassador Daniel Mulhall, and Economic Counselor Harry Lester at the Residence to discuss establishing a Port Sister City partnership, and to hand deliver an invitation to Ambassador and Mrs. Mulhall, by our Republic of Ireland-Charleston Sister Cities International Committee to Charleston for a November 2021 Reception in their honor welcoming and introducing them to Charleston, hosted by The Hotel Bennett.
Additionally, we hand delivered an invitation by the SCbio Committee to Ambassador Mulhall to speak at the 2022 SCbio Annual Conference resulting in the IDA Ireland attending and exhibiting.
Harry Lightsey, Clarke Thomson, Jon Baggett, CEcD. Glenn Bourke, Mark Duffy, Micah Caskey, Brian Dalton, Brian Duffy, Peter Lehman, Irvin Condon, Mike Bennett, James Chappell, Carla Whitlock, Enda Trautt, Lou Kennedy, Dublin City Council, Erin Ford, Science Foundation Ireland, Sean Davis, Enterprise Ireland, Boeing, Lindsay Leonard,Tommy & Victoria Baker School of Business