Our Cohort 2 students recently visited Cesium for a site tour and demo. We started the day with welcoming remarks from Patrick Cozzi, Chief Platform Officer at Bentley Systems and Founder of Cesium, and Liz Dailey, Co-Founder & Executive Director of our learning and employer partner, CreateAccess. After that, students broke into groups for tours and live demos, getting an in-depth look at the future of 3D software engineering. The visit included a panel discussion and Q&A session with engineers Gabby Getz, Mark Dane, Luke McKinstry, and Janine Liu, offering valuable insights into 3D software engineering and the path to working in tech. Launchpad students, Asma Drummond, Yara Kemeh, and Julien Daniel-Roane, presented their work and engaged with Cesium’s developers. Students also learned about Cesium's recent acquisition by Bentley Systems and the practical applications of their 3D software tools, including the use of the Unreal Engine. Huge thanks to Cesium for hosting our students and providing such a valuable learning experience. Special shout-out to Lossie Freeman, Chief of Staff to the Chief Platform Officer & Founder of Cesium, for helping make this visit possible! #launchpadphilly #exposure #industrypartner #unrealengine