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I'm really passionate about this topic, especially because it reflects my own journey when I joined Cat Person and the advice I often share with peers who are starting to build a brand's presence. Every social media platform has its own unique audience and purpose. Simply bombarding them with product images and ads won't cut it. What does make a difference is taking the time to truly understand your audience and figuring out how you can offer them something special. That might mean providing entertainment, education, shareable moments, or even giving them a chance to shine themselves. This last point is crucial, and it's often overlooked. While it's easy to focus solely on promoting your brand, social media users are usually there to be entertained and to share their interests. If you can tap into that and create content that allows them to feel like they're in the spotlight, your engagement and brand awareness will naturally grow.
A very wise person (Grace Andrews) once said 'Product photos don't belong on Instagram' ?? My initial reaction was agreement. But, this statement was followed by a series of people online disagreeing. ? "What else am I meant to post?" ? "Obviously, product photos belong on Instagram" Your content should focus on VALUE ?? Organic channels are a tool that should aim to build an emotional connection, through harnessing a feeling. And that doesn't come with product photos. Your aim on social media should never be to hard sell, instead focus on providing value for your audience and creating a feeling with your posts. GoPro do this exceptionally well ?? Take a step away from your socials and ask yourself: ?? What does someone gain from following your account? ?? Why would someone be eager to read your next post? ?? What will make someone share one of your posts with a friend? ?? How can you provide more value with your content? Next time you go to post a product photo on Instagram, think again ?? P.s. My freelance diary is OPEN for April/May so if you want to get a killer social media strategy in place, drop me a message or send me a connection request ??