??Capacity Building Cohort Spotlight?? ?Diane Libro? Diane Libro pursued her childhood dreams of working as a newspaper reporter. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Journalism from Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) and Master's in Theological Studies from University of Dallas. After 10 years in the field, an opportunity presented itself to switch gears working in the nonprofit sector. Working as Communication Director at Volunteers of America for 14 years gave Diane a diverse experience with grant writing, board management, program coordination, and quality assurance. When Catholic Charities announced an open position for Executive Director in 2024, she saw it as a chance to combine her faith and experience to lead a critical organization. Catholic Charities of North Louisiana mission is to bring Christ's message of love to the poor and vulnerable by providing quality social services to families and individuals, without discrimination, and in accordance with Catholic Social Teaching and professional standards. Diane saw joining the Nonprofit Capacity Building Cohort as an opportunity to learn some key skills and make connections with other leaders. "The class is full of amazing women with varied experiences, and LSUS has pulled in some wonderful speakers. I am hoping to gain more confidence in the technical aspects of the job and make connections with other leaders that can benefit our organizations and the community." LSU Shreveport #nonprofits #community #women #honor #shreveport #nonprofit