The power of breathing.
For those of you that have never taken a yoga or meditation class it may surprise you how simply focusing on your breath can impact your physical state. For me it's been a long time since going to a yoga class, (pre-pandemic I believe) but last night I walked my daughter through the process as a way to calm her down as she goes to bed.
Often bedtime is when all the worries of the day, that were kept at bay by being busy, quickly fill the quiet of night with a flood of anxiety.
Last night we did our usual routine, getting stressed during the brushing of the teeth and peaking with the wishing of goodnight to the family. To wind down, first we read books, her favorite pastime, and then I read to her. At this point she was calmer but still fidgeting meanwhile I was falling asleep???.
So I turned out the light and walked her through focusing on her breath. I didn't ask her to breathe in any particular way, just to focus on the breath and how it feels entering and exiting her body. Just a few breaths into it, her body was calmer, she noticed the difference and thanked me. I then had her continue focusing without my voice as guidance. It wasn't long before she was sound asleep, stress free.
The beauty of breath work is it can happen anywhere or anytime. Even better, science has validated the positive impact breath work has on the nervous system.
What is your favorite or go-to breathing exercise? (comment below)