The Casa Dorinda Visual Arts Committee hosted an exhibition, Housing the Spirit—From the Inside Out, featuring original artworks by Resident, Julia Pizzinat. ? Julia’s captivating drawings served as her unique way of connecting with others, showcasing her mastery of various media, including pencil, charcoal, and acrylics. ? The show and reception were well attended by residents and family members who were inspired by her impressive work and techniques. ? #casadorinda #santabarbaralife #seniorlivingcommunity #retirementliving #montecitoliving #montecito #seniorliving #santabarbaraliving #visualarts #artistic #inspiration #artshow #artexhibit #paint #layers #color #canvas #visualmetaphor #arcylicpaint #pencil #charcoal #drawing #juliapizzinat #artist #illustration #artwork #sketch #draw