Carbon Collective wouldn't exist without the fund analysis tools from As You Sow. So imagine how jazzed we were to bring them on as 401k clients?! ??
If you are a foundation funder out there, THIS is the power of what can happen when you make powerful free resources.
People use them. They build things that don't exist yet. And they advance an industry forward in ways that you couldn't really have predicted.
This is why our business exists. Why our theory of change exists. It's because of the hard work that groups like As You Sow and Project Drawdown have put in to make robust, easy to use, understandable ways to get a grasp on really hard problems.
If you have been wondering about what kinds of activities you're exposed to in your retirement savings, google "Invest Your Values." Look at your tickers. See what grades they get.
It's this type of free transparency that builds trust in a space that has experienced so much greenwashing. Climate change, finance, and especially climate finance are all gray areas with many nuances. So instead of keeping your model hidden, your intellectual property secured, open it up, and change the world.
We hope that in working together we can give back some of the impact you've given us. Thank you and keep up the good work As You Sow