A huge thank you to all who planned this event, to those who sponsored it, and to those who attended. As was mentioned at the event, this conversation will continue. We are excited to share that some of the attendees are interested in joining the discussion around next steps. That is fantastic! During the UNconference, we received valuable input from the high school students and have reconnected with several of them. We’ll be meeting with them in early December to explore their thoughts and expectations about pursuing a career in healthcare in greater depth.
Workforce Innovation Designed for Humans | Disruptive Organizational Development Strategist | Community Engagement Expert | Translating Insights into Actionable Strategic Plans
What do you think of when you hear the term "un-conference"? For our team at Workforce Solutions Collaborative of Metro Hartford it means leveraging human centered design to feature the voices we hear from least often; our young people, and the folks the system doesn't work for, who usually don't speak up because it isn't safe. We spent a lot of time and effort (many months!) in the Capital Area Healthcare Partnership planning this event with the Building the Healthcare Workforce of Tomorrow action team. Our goal was to break down barriers and open the dialogue around job quality in careers in healthcare and it was a joy to see so many students, professionals, and champions of the work sharing their insights, perspectives, and assumptions both on the panel and in the audience. Massive shout out to our planning team, led by co-chairs Nancy Taylor and Tyler Booth, and co-conveners Maureen D. Jenks, RN, MBA, CPC from Capital Workforce Partners and Tiffany Morrissey, MPH MA from the Connecticut Health Council as well as Melissa Kleder, MA from the National Fund for Workforce Solutions for facilitating this groundbreaking event! #HumanCentered #CareersInHealthcare