Flashback to a fantastic few days at _SOUTHSTART in sunny Adelaide, with Callum Davidson, Teala Stephens and Jason Atkins flying the Cake banner amongst legends in the startup community. We love talking about cap tables, we love it even better when future legends of the community are listening. Day 1 highlights included Cal's panel "Cracking the talent dilemma: Finding, hiring, and retaining the best" facilitated by Nick Martin from Remote and Skye Theodorou from upcover. Skye evangelised the Cake product speaking to some real world examples of how some of her team were able to realise gains in their ESOP shares in upcover. It helped one team member buy a car for his mum in Nigeria, another build a house for his family and in laws, and another put a deposit on an apartment in Spain. Seeing impact like this just gives us a warm fuzzy! Shout out to our friends Josh Sharma and Dean Katz from LUNA who shared a really practical framework on the legal considerations dependent on your startup stage. After lunch we rolled in to "Startup Finance unlocked: Demystifying valuations, ESOPS and term sheets" facilitated by Remco Marcelis from Standard Ledger - stoked to have Jason Atkins sharing his knowledge alongside Tom Warden of TORUS; ?this was another super practical, no BS session from the panel. It was great to see an event that really embraced the warmth and the setting to create a vibe that really encouraged networking. Thanks to all those who came to see Cal and Jase talk, the hangs and the connections. We're back and more motivated than ever. Rampersand The Community Collective LUNA Tractor Ventures