C. Spengler Strategies: Innovative Construction + Environmental Solutions Featuring "Whole Project Strategies"
An interesting approach to lead contamination in residential yards. I'm not sure I'd call this "remediation" as it feels more like a mitigation effort. It appears that the idea is that the Zeolite adsorbs the lead and locks it in, aka fixates the lead, and even when ingested it doesn't release it into the body but instead passes through with the Zeolite that doesn't breakdown. While this effort is focused on the lead contamination from the former Exide battery plant in Los Angeles, make no mistake, most urban land, including residential properties (SFR's) are contaminated lead from aerially deposited lead (ADL) from auto exhaust while we burned leaded gasoline, from lead-based paint on all buildings prior to 1978, and for properties pre-1950ish, there's a good chance of historical trash burning either in pits or backyard incinerators. The problem is far more extensive than most realize.