Work can be a distraction, an excuse, for the tasks we don't want to do.
I help builders scale their businesses and make more money while working less. Need a speaker for your event? Let's talk.
Looking back, nothing has slowed me down more than "Hard Work." Because hard work is what I believe in most. Hard work = Productivity This served me well in construction; you worked hard and stood more walls, set windows, and built a house. Hard work is about producing and seeing the results; it is rewarding. This is good...and bad. ???I can't relax ???Hobbies are pointless ???Parties are not fun These activities don't produce, so I get anxious. Yet, they do produce in ways I am not comfortable with. Relaxing is recovery; we need to rest Hobbies build new skills and teach patience. Parties build relationships and networking skills. It is all they say. I get it, but it is hard. This is why the skills that got you here will not get you where you want to go. Hard work, as I perceived it, served me well as a carpenter. But the same hard work does not translate for me as a business owner. It feels like I am goofing off. ???Reading spreadsheets ???Attending network events ???Streamlining an accounting process. These don't feel like work; work is physically demanding and makes you sweat, Yet, being a business owner requires new skills, and the hardest for me was recognizing that these tasks were my responsibility, they were productive, and they were work. It's just not the way I perceived it in the past. Until I wrapped my head around this, my business was the past. Business Blueprint Inc.