LinkedIn Crew - Is anyone using any AR Glasses similar to the XREAL new Ultras. I am looking for something that is more modern(than the Hololens 2 circa 2019 or so?) and Magic Leap but does have Front Cameras, Spatial Lock, and 6DoF. I'd like to get 2 or 3 pairs per office so we can walk through some skids, spools, coils, riser and fire damper layout, access, and mechanical rooms in 1-1. VR is cool, but I want to be able to take this anywhere and use it as a training tool for our team. I've reached out to a few AR ConTech companies and can't seem to find anyone creating an android compatible program that would work on Xreal to view Navis or Revit exports in an anchored model. Seems like a wide open Niche that needs to be filled, unless something exists I am unaware of. Ultimate goal is teaching some of our apprentices and walking through complex areas of fab before sending out. Being able to see as real life as possible if all valves, handles, etc are easily accessible. We may just default to the Hololens if we cannot find something more modern. Magic leap doesnt seem to be a fit with the awkward eyeware for those of us with eye glasses.
#contech #skilledtrades #built3d Built3d