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Brose is one of the five largest family-owned automotive suppliers in the world. Every third new car is equipped with at least one Brose product. The mechatronics specialist develops and manufactures systems for vehicle doors, liftgates and seats. Brose also produces electric motors from 200 watts to 14 kilowatts for various applications such as steering, thermal management or drives for e-bikes and e-scooters. The company employs around 32,000 people at 68 locations in 24 countries. In 2023, the Brose Group generated a turnover of 7,9 billion euros. Legal notice:

1,001-5,000 人

Brose Slovakia员工


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    20. ro?ník Brose Ski & Snowboard Championships! Minuly víkend sa zi?lo pribli?ne 130 ?portovych nad?encov Brose a ich rodiny. ú?astníci z lokalít Brose sa postavili na svah, aby sú?a?ili v obrovskom slalome – sú?a?i plnej rychlosti, presnosti a tímového ducha. ?akujeme Brose Group za skvelú organizáciu. Te?íme sa na ?al?ie spolo?né ?portové vyzvy, ktoré nás ?akajú! ?? #brose #automotive #excellenceinside #electric #startup #buildingexcellencetogether

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    Produkty zo sveta Brose ?? Plne nalo?eny, s rukami plnymi vecí, no bato?inu je stále potrebné ulo?i? do kufra. Praktickym rie?ením je dnes jednoduchy pohyb nohou pod nárazníkom, v?aka ktorému sa kufrové dvere automaticky otvoria a bato?ina sa dá ulo?i? bez zbyto?ného odkladania. ?? ?? Pred viac ako 15 rokmi to v?ak nebola samozrejmos?. Na vystave IAA v roku 2009 sme ako jeden z prvych dodávate?ov predstavili bezdotykové ovládanie gestom nohy. V tom istom roku i?iel do sériovej vyroby aj ná? prvy pohon kufrovych dverí. Dnes patríme medzi málo dodávate?ov kompletnych systémov na svete a sme lídrom na trhu s pohonmi kufrovych dverí. Na?alej vyvíjame v?etky komponenty systému. Na?ou prioritou sú dnes predov?etkym lokálne vyrábané, nákladovo efektívne rie?enia. #brose?#automotive?#excellenceinside?#electric?#startup?#buildingexcellencetogether

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    Dominic Waldeier bol vymenovany za nového finan?ného riadite?a (CFO). Srde?ne mu gratulujeme a prajeme ve?a úspechov na novej pozícii! ??

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    Dominic Waldeier has been appointed as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO). From now on, he will be responsible for the #commercial #division of the Brose Group with the functions Purchasing, Controlling, Information Systems, Finance & Tax and Auditing. After working for KPMG, the 50-year-old lawyer spent 16 years in the finance department of Bayer AG in Germany and abroad. In 2020 he moved to the Ebersp?cher Group GmbH & Co. KG in Esslingen, where he was commercial managing director from 2022. We welcome him to his new position in our family business and wish him a good start. ??

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    14. októbra sme v Brose oslávili oficiálne otvorenie na?ej novej ?k?lky! ?? Na tejto vyznamnej udalosti sa zú?astnili predseda Tren?ianskeho samosprávneho kraja pán Jaroslav Ba?ka a primátorka mesta Prievidze pani Katarína Machá?ková spolu s ?al?ími vzácnymi hos?ami. Tento projekt nadv?zuje na úspe?né ?k?lky v Coburgu a Ostrave, a veríme, ?e aj u nás prispeje k lep?iemu zladeniu pracovného a súkromného ?ivota na?ich zamestnancov. Na?im cie?om je vytvori? pre deti podnetné a in?piratívne prostredie, kde m??u rás? a rozvíja? sa. #brose?#automotive?#excellenceinside?#electric?#startup?#buildingexcellencetogether

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  • Brose Slovakia转发了

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    Change in the management structure at Brose SE On October 2, 2024, the shareholders of the international automotive supplier transformed the dualistic structure of Brose SE into a monistic one. This requires several new designations: The previous Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Michael Stoschek, is now Chairman of the Administrative Board. His son Maximilian Stoschek remains his deputy as before. This means their tasks have not been changed. The Executive Board members are now Executive Directors of their respective divisions. The reason for this change was the lack of management and decision-making ability due to the lack of the owners' right to issue instructions to the Management Board as well as the lack of authority of the CEO over the other board members. This bureaucracy was paralyzing the company’s organization and the constructive collaboration between shareholders and management. To successfully address the various internal and external challenges, it is particularly important now to make swift and pragmatic decisions. Philipp Schramm has no longer been a member of the Executive Board since 2 October 2024, as he declined the appointment as Chairman of the Executive Directors. The shareholders have therefore appointed Stefan Krug , in addition to his responsibilities as Chief Operating Officer (COO), as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company. Stefan Krug has been with Brose in various roles both domestically and internationally since 1998. The shareholders would like to thank Dr. Schramm for his successful work since 2020 and his tenure as CEO since September 2023. The management and staff welcome the change at the top and Michael Stoschek‘s willingness to support the Executive Directors again with his more than 50 years of experience in tackling the challenges ahead. #brose #automotive #buildingexcellencetogether

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  • Brose Slovakia转发了

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    We can proudly announce that our family business is a good employer.???? We have already received several local and international #awards worldwide in the areas of working conditions, HR processes, talent development and employer attractiveness. Brose Germany was recently recognized as a #topemployer2024. The same applies to our location in Serbia and China. Brose China received the award for the eighth time in a row, Brose Srbija for the second time. Brose Slovakia received the “Attractive Employer Slovakia” award this year and Mexico was honored as “Súper Empresas Top Company 2024”. Brose North America won the “Best & Brightest Companies Detroit & Nation 2024” award and Brose do Brasil was certified as a “Great Place to Work” last year.???? "I am very happy that we are receiving awards worldwide for our HR work and the working environment at Brose. This shows that we are already doing a lot of things right, but it is also an incentive to continue to improve. Many thanks to all colleagues who have contributed to this success," emphasizes Bernhard Blauth, Member of the Executive Board Human Resources. #brose #BuildingExcellenceTogether #hr #topemployer2024

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    ?? Novinka zo sveta Brose! Zvuk pri jazde pre vy??iu bezpe?nos?. ? Elektrické autá sa na cestách pohybujú takmer bez zvuku. Trvá dlh?í ?as, kym zaznamenáme elektrické auto. Vyvinuli sme preto akusticky vystra?ny systém AVAS (Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System), ktory pri rychlostiach ni??ích ako 50 km/h generuje umely zvuk jazdy. Sériovo sa za?ne vyrába? v roku 2026. ?? #brose #automotive #excellenceinside #electric #startup #buildingexcellencetogether

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    S hrdos?ou Vám predstavujeme prvú úspe?nú absolventku rekvalifika?ného kurzu, ktory zabezpe?ila spolo?nos? Brose. ?? Sme radi, ?e v spolo?nosti Brose sa po?as kurzu nau?ila cenné vedomosti a získala zru?nosti potrebné na efektívne nastavenie a optimalizáciu vyrobnych procesov. Brose podporuje kariérny rast zamestnancov a poskytuje im stale nové pracovné príle?itosti. Svojim kolegom Jarmila odkazuje: ?Nebojte sa vyskú?a? nové veci, nem??ete strati? m??ete len získa?.“ #Brose #BuildingExcellenceTogether #ExcellenceInside #job #futurejob #BrosePrievidza #BroseSlovakia

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