Please join us on March 20th for Dorchester Heritage Center's Discovery Series presentation with guest speaker and Brockington Lab Director Jeff Sherard. Jeff will present The Inland Lowcountry Indigenous Experience along Charleston’s Western Frontier. The talk is hosted at Middleton Place Foundation, and tickets to this event are free. Please register at the link in the comments!
We have a special Discovery Series planned this month- on March 20. Our guest speaker, Jeff Sherard, will highlight two significant Indigenous sites in Dorchester County: Andrew Percival’s Weston Plantation and the Laurel Hill Plantation. Participants will learn about artifacts related to the Carolina Colony's initial founding and how they help to describe the Indigenous experience during the colonization and its connections to the Inland Lowcountry. We will also talk about the structure of the developing plantation systems and how native groups were involved. The event is free, but registration is required: