Sometimes things happen for a reason, welcome to the team Wesley Meyer!
AFL | Terra Star, LLC | Kris-Tech Wire | Ribbon Factory | Powerline Hardware | Fremco | WireMax | Inventronics
Big news for Broadband Technology Group, we are growing!
Broadband Technology Group (BTG) is an manufacturers rep agency that focuses on organizations who are building new fiber optic access lines throughout the Great Lakes and Midwest Region. With our product expertise, we understand field usage and educate ourselves on the latest products & techniques. Our experiences from contracting to project management as well as complex supply chain issues help guide our customers to the right products. We have over 50 years of industry experiences allowing us to support customers and their personnel. In our proven process we Introduce, demonstrate, and guide to purchasing the right product; we then support the product with education. Lastly, we guarantee our represented products will meet or exceed the specifications and performance of the current product.
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Do you need a 1/4" or 3/8" guy strand/messenger wire? Wiremax by Deacero has it on the ground. Let a Broadband Technology Group rep know, and we can get your pricing shipped to your yard or warehouse! #education #Technology #Peoplefocused #genuineexpereince #fiberopticnetwork #outsideplant #aerialplant #aerialconstruction #telecommunication #infrastructure #utilityconstruction #workhardplayharder
Maximize your uptime! ?? We know that easy access in connection with the yearly service of your fiber blowing machine maximizes uptime. That is why we have several service centers around the globe. Broadband Technology Group in Wisconsin, US, is our very first service center in the #US. This means enhanced accessibility for our customers in the United States seeking machine services! ?? Find the service center closest to you: ?? Request service for your machine: #fremco #fremcoinc #servicecenter #service #distributors #worldwide
Thank you to our Veterans for your service and keeping America safe both domestically and abroad. Happy Veterans Day from Broadband Technology Group. #VeteransDay #ThankYouVeterans #America #GodBlessAmerica
Be sure to stop by and see us, along with Wiremax by Deacero, at booth #1137 at the ISE EXPO!?You can check out their products along with many other products from our other great manufacturers!?See you soon! AFL Fremco Fiber Blowing Machines Inc. Powerline Hardware Terra Star, LLC #education #peoplefocused #technology #quality #genuineexperience
???????????????? ???????? ????????????! ??? We know that easy access in connection with the yearly service of your fiber blowing machine minimizes downtime. That is why we have several service centers around the globe. Broadband Technology Group (BTG) in Wisconsin, US, is our very first service center in the US. This means enhanced accessibility for our customers in the United States seeking machine services! Find the service center closest to you ? Request service for your machine ? #fremco #fremcoinc #servicecenter #service #distributors #worldwide
Oh boy didn’t they could fit two of these in one picture?!
AFL | Terra Star, LLC | Kris-Tech Wire | Ribbon Factory | Powerline Hardware | Fremco | WireMax | Inventronics
I have a second job this week assisting my daughter's club at the Jefferson County Fair in Jefferson, WI. If you hear some animal noises in the background when you call, my apologies in advance. I am always humbled by how hard the farmers of America work to showcase their efforts! ???? ??#JeffersonCountyFair #FarmersOfAmerica #CommunitySupport #FairDad #WorkLifeBalance #Workhardplayharder #Winnging #GeniuneExperience #PeopleFocused #BroadbandTechnologyGroup
Broadband Technology Group getting after it on the golf course?! Well at least we are supporting a good cause!
AFL | Terra Star, LLC | Kris-Tech Wire | Ribbon Factory | Powerline Hardware | Fremco | WireMax | Inventronics
Broadband Technology Group was proud to sponsor a hole last week at the annual Endeavor to Give golf outing! Funds raised were given to local food pantries. Beautiful weather and a beautiful golf course! Tom Harber and I were so proud to support this amazing event with Endeavor Communications! #endeavortogive #workhardplayhard #peoplemakethedifference
Call us for demos…demos turn into trainings! ??
AFL | Terra Star, LLC | Kris-Tech Wire | Ribbon Factory | Powerline Hardware | Fremco | WireMax | Inventronics
I admire LeRoy Schoon's passion for the underground utility industry, evident even after 64 years. His excitement for learning new things is truly inspiring. Thanks SCHOON CORPORATION DBA SCHOON CONSTRUCTION INC for entrusting in Fremco Fiber Blowing Machines Inc. And Broadband Technology Group for your fiber blowing needs. I love this industry because of its people! #UtilityIndustry #education #fiberblowing #fremco #lifelonglearner #Inspiration #telecom #telecominfrastructure #fiberopticnetworks #utilities #undergroundconstruction #genuineexperience #peoplefocused