Bridge to Hope offers comprehensive wrap-around supports designed to create food security, improve household stability. Our programs improve health, nutritional and economic outcomes, and bridge the gap to self-sufficiency for under-resourced and in-crisis households; to raise their quality of life, standard of living, and restore dignity and hope to those in need. Bridge to hope is focused on improving Food Security and Nutrition as a strategy to improve long-term health and economic outcomes and as a mechanism to improve quality of life for low/moderate income households and those who find themselves facing temporary challenges that make it difficult or impossible to meet their basic needs. Bridge to Hope's approach to assisting nutritionally vulnerable people is based on the four interconnected aspects of food security—food availability, food access, food utilization, and food stability. Additionally, we provide a variety of essential needs and workforce development supports to help clients improve their health and economic outcomes.
Finally, Project e-QUALity: Empowering Digital Inclusion and Literacy
In an age where the internet has become a fundamental tool for education, work, and daily life, a significant digital divide persists for low wage earners. With over 20% of local residents disconnected from the internet, Miami holds the unfortunate distinction of being the second least-connected large city in the United States. This connectivity gap severely hinders the ability of low to moderate-income households to perform essential tasks such as completing schoolwork, banking, job applications, and training. As eloquently stated by FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, "The cost of digital exclusion is high and growing every day. It's time to bridge the digital divide so that everyone can afford to have an internet connection, no matter who they are or where they live."
11-50 人
Cutler Bay,Florida