Breker Verification Systems' vast capabilities support RISC-V validation! #riscv #verification #brekersystems #uvm #pss #systemvip
Take the opportunity to meet our Silver Sponsor Breker Verification Systems who will be presenting their latest technologies! Breker Verification Systems is the pioneer of Test Suite Synthesis and System Verification Intellectual Property (SystemVIP). The company works with many leading semiconductor providers to accelerate system coherency, RISC-V core and RISC-V/Arm SoCReady verification. It also provides many other SystemVIP solutions (security, power, etc.) and allows teams to create their own advanced, reusable tests in Portable Stimulus (PSS) or C++. The synthesis technology generates coverage-driven, high-quality, self-checking tests that include debug and coverage analysis many times faster than manual composition. Tests are portable across UVM simulation, emulation, prototyping, virtual platforms and post-silicon, and are easily integrated into existing testbenches. Also visit their website: See you all in Gothenburg! #riscv #spacecomputing