Breaking the cycle can be so difficult, especially if that has been one of the norms in your life. Often times when we have even just 1 or 2 caregivers that were unhealthy attachments, we struggle to make healthy attachments throughout much of our lives. When we learned loving behaviors from these unhealthy attachments, we tend to (un)consciously or unknowingly seek similar traits or behaviors in other relationships (intimate, friendships, etc.) because anyone's norms can feel very comfortable. Even if it is dysfunctional, we may not realize how comfortable we are just because we know what to expect (even if it is unpredictable behavior, similar to your unhealthy attachments, because you became used to the anxiety in waiting for the shoe to drop). This is especially true in Complex Trauma because here, our brain's were wired to be hypervigilent as we lived in fear (stuck in or hypersensitive to fight/flight/freeze/fawn mode out of our survival instincts that were ingrained. I choose to be a mental health practitioner to help intervene in this cycle, as I once needed done, to help people lead happier lives, away from their chaotic and traumatic cultural (family, community, or other personal beliefs/traditions) cycles. It is possible to break the cycle, but takes a lot of awareness and dedication. Start your journey today! Today is a beautiful day for recovery and self-love.
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