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Reimagining energy for people and our planet


We believe the world wants and needs a better and more balanced energy system that delivers secure, affordable and lower-carbon energy. We're playing our part by investing in today's energy system, which is mainly oil and gas – and, not or – in our transition and the energy transition. While today we’re mostly in oil and gas, we increased the proportion of our global annual investment that went into our lower carbon & other transition businesses from around 3% in 2019 to around 23% in 2023. Increasing investment in these engines is a sign that bp’s wider transformation is underway. Check out our commenting guidelines ?? bp.com/CommentsGuide

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    Podczas dyskusji o transformacji warto pos?ucha? g?osu eksperta z mi?dzynarodowym do?wiadczeniem. Bogdan Kucharski, prezes bp Polska, we?mie udzia? w panelu po?wi?conym zielonym inwestycjom w czasie tegorocznego Open Eyes Economy Summit. Zapraszamy! #bpPolska #OEES2024

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    Bogdan Kucharski – Prezes Zarz?du bp w Polsce podczas Open Eyes Economy Summit 2024 zabierze g?os w ?????? sesji ?Czy zielone inwestycje wsz?dzie s? równie zielone? Do?wiadczenia z ró?nych d?ugo?ci geograficznych”.? ? ???? Od 2021 r. VP Commercial Development, Mobility & Convenience Europe odpowiedzialny za strategi? i portfolio w Europie, sprawuje jednocze?nie funkcj? Head of Country bp w Polsce. Menad?er z mi?dzynarodowym do?wiadczeniem w ?rodowisku korporacyjnym. Pracowa? w obszarach zarz?dzania, zaopatrzenia, optymalizacji, logistyki, strategii, sprzeda?y, finansów oraz kierowania stacjami paliwowymi.? ? Zach?camy do udzia?u w zbli?aj?cym si? wydarzeniu. Tej i innych dyskusji wys?uchacie ju? 19 i 20 listopada. ??

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    Po prawie 30 latach partnerstwa z Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) wiemy, ?e pomoc udzielana przez organizacj? zawsze jest odpowiedzi? na najwa?niejsze potrzeby poszkodowanych. Dzi?kujemy za Wasze zaanga?owanie. #bpPolska #PartnerzySpo?ecznibp

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    ?? Oto co zdo?ali?my zrobi? w ramach pomocy osobom poszkodowanym po powodzi dzi?ki partnerstwu z bp Polska! Firma bp jest naszym partnerem strategicznym od 1997 roku. Po katastrofie w po?udniowo-zachodniej cz??ci Polski firma od razu zdecydowa?a si? na przekazanie dodatkowego wsparcia w postaci darowizny finansowej oraz kart paliwowych! ?? Dzi?ki tej wspó?pracy uda?o nam si? zakupi?: ?? 98 nagrzewnic, ?? 30 ozonatorów potrzebnych do oczyszczania powietrza w pomieszczeniach, ?? 95 osuszaczy powietrza. Dzi?kujemy za wsparcie i zaufanie! ?? Je?li Ty lub Twoja firma te? chcecie z nami wspó?pracowa?, napiszcie do nas ?? [email protected]

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    Today we share our 3Q results. Our operations are running well and at the same time we're making progress driving focus into the business and simplifying how we work in pursuit of growing the value of bp.? Learn more – bp.com/results -- While today we’re mostly in oil and gas, we increased the proportion of our global annual investment that went into our lower carbon & other transition businesses from around 3% in 2019 to around 23% in 2023.

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    Our experienced engineers are using cutting-edge technologies to help us evolve the way we deliver oil and gas – working to make our operations more efficient for today and the future. Learn more – on.bp.com/3AekKPE -- While today we’re mostly in oil and gas, we increased the proportion of our global annual investment that went into our lower carbon & other transition businesses from around 3% in 2019 to around 23% in 2023.

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    Kerry Dryburgh, our EVP for people, culture & communications, recently spoke at this year’s Forbes Future of Work summit – discussing the importance of social mobility, transferable skills and training to bp as we transition from an international oil company to an integrated energy company. Swipe through to see some of the key takeaways from Kerry and watch the whole clip here: https://on.bp.com/4dIWbIu

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    We're excited to share that we’ve completed the process to fully take over bp Bunge Bioenergia, a top #Biofuels company in Brazil. ? ?? ?? Unique to our other offers, the business transforms sugarcane into ethanol, providing transportation fuel, sugar and electricity produced from leftover biomass.?? ? We were the first international #Energy company to invest in the biofuels sector in 2008 – and we’ve been involved ever since.???? ? Brazil is one of the most prominent biofuels-producing countries, and this acquisition is in line with our integrated energy company strategy.??? ? ?? Fun fact: the business currently has capacity to produce around 1.7 billion litres of ethanol annually! ?? ? Hear 5 more reasons why this is a great addition to our #Bioenergy portfolio – including the versatility of sugarcane, local employment opportunities and potential for future value, to name a few – on.bp.com/3XQIj8S --- While today we’re mostly in oil and gas, we increased the proportion of our global annual investment that went into our lower carbon and other transition businesses from around 3% in 2019 to around 23% in 2023.?

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    Exploring the Moon, Mars and beyond. ?????? bp America has signed a Space Act Agreement with NASA to support common goals in space exploration and #Energy production. bp and NASA have long pioneered emerging technologies in their industries and continue to utilize industry-leading equipment driven by engineering, science and #Technology. Both bp and NASA operate in some of the harshest environments known to man, from over 7,000 feet underwater, through to millions of miles away in space. ?? The initial phase will focus on developing standards and expanding the capabilities of visualization and simulation models, building on our long history of working together, including bp’s Castrol lubricants being used for many of NASA’s Apollo missions. This agreement will support the safe provision of reliable energy for today, while building out tomorrow’s energy system – aiming to deliver higher margins and lower emissions, whilst laying the foundation for future collaborations between bp and NASA. Learn more - on.bp.com/4eBlddb

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    ??? Hoje damos a conhecer mais uma “Histórias ao km 95”. Desta vez de um casal que se conheceu perto de um posto bp. ???????? A história que apresentamos é do Paulo Rodrigues, que deu o nome dos seus dois filhos em homenagem ao local onde conheceu a sua mulher: Beatriz e Bruno da Paz (B.P). é por estes testemunhos que trabalhamos diariamente para estar mais perto dos nossos clientes e pertencer, de alguma forma, às suas vidas. ???? Deslize a imagem para a esquerda e conhe?a esta história. Saiba mais em: on.bp.com/3Wa2wWH #bp95anosEmPortugal #EAindaAgoraCome?ámos #Históriasaokm95

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    Helge Lund & Bina Mehta discuss the Energy Transition: Sustainability, Leadership & Growth. Join Helge Lund, bp's chair, and Bina Mehta, KPMG's chair in the UK, in a compelling discussion from the Pull up a Chair podcast. Here they delve into the challenges of sustainable growth, leadership, and bp's role in the energy transition. It’s a formidable task that will take all of us. As Helge points out, the current global energy system “took 150 years to build and now we need to change that system...hopefully in a few decades.” This task involves balancing the need for providing secure and affordable energy to customers, the challenge and opportunity of moving towards a low-carbon energy system and delivering long-term value for shareholders. All against the backdrop of a dynamic geopolitical and economic environment. Listen to the entire podcast here: on.bp.com/3zbrY6M #PullUpAChair #Energy #Leadership

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    Today we mark a milestone - 60 years in the UK North Sea ???? ?? We’re a pioneer of the UK #OilAndGas industry. Since being awarded our first #Exploration licence in 1964, we’ve been at the centre of discovering, innovating and evolving. And people are at the heart of this. Building an enduring supply chain, developing brilliant careers and supporting communities across Scotland and beyond. ?? From playing our part in securing today’s #Energy needs to working to progress tomorrow’s energy system, we’re not just reflecting on our past in the North Sea - we’re championing its future. Learn more - on.bp.com/3Zo5mdJ - - - While today we’re mostly in oil and gas, we increased the proportion of our global annual investment that went into our lower carbon and other transition businesses from around 3% in 2019 to around 23% in 2023.





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