Bott Radio Network

Bott Radio Network


Quality Bible Teaching, Christian News and Information "Getting the Word of God into the people of God"


Bott Radio Network is an award winning national leader in Christian broadcasting. BRN broadcasts America's finest Bible teachers and Christian news and information programs to help people grow in the Lord and apply their faith in their daily lives. BRN is also heard worldwide online at and through mobile apps for iPhone and Android, iHeart Radio and Amazon Echo.

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    From Dr. Tony Evans' devotional today: In Mark 4 we find the story of what happened in the little boat where Jesus and His disciples were caught in a storm at sea. In verse 35 we read: “On that day, when evening came, He said to them, ‘Let us go over to the other side.’” In other words, He was saying, “Gentlemen, get in the boat. Guess where we are going? All the way over to the other side.” Jesus had a plan. But when the storm blew in, we know what happened. The challenging circumstances caused the disciples to forget what He had said. Before they even started on their journey and before the storm had risen up to threaten them, they already had a promise—they would arrive on the other side. Yet instead of trusting in Jesus, they started worrying. “We’re not going to make it!” “We are going to die!” Their circumstances took precedence over the promise of His Word. We face the same temptation. Our circumstances breed fear within us. They loom so large in our sight that we decide that we aren’t going to make it to the other side. But how did Jesus respond to this fearsome situation? He was asleep in the back of the boat. He wasn’t worried. He was calm. He was at rest in the middle of the storm. So, you and I can rest in Him. We can be confident that He will see us through the storm and safely to the other side. Will you trust God's words?

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    Thank you Michael for your bold post! You escaped communism therefore we all need to listen to you!

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    Politically correct Christianity is killing us. Sure, nowadays a conflict is easily triggered just by having a different opinion. Following Christ has a conflict built-in. Jesus said, “I have not come to bring peace... For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother... And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household” (Mat 10:34–36). I came to Christ during my escape from communist Czechoslovakia. Lately, I have seen some Christians get uncomfortable when my story exposes the evils of communism. Some even asked me to leave out the “political part” - but how would the triumph of His light be revealed if the darkness from which I was saved was left out? We are called to testify to others by “the things in which (we) have seen, to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God” (Acts 26:18). Brainwashed by atheism through high school and college, many believe that communism is actually not that bad. Christians must always remember not only what we were saved for, but also what we were saved from. I came to the USA with a first-hand experience of what it's like when an evil minority wipes out the word faith from the dictionary and redefines the list of moral values. I believe one of the reasons for the spiritual collapse in the USA is the absence of preaching against evil. I also find that many Americans are quite naive saying “this is America, it can't happen here." Well, it's happening now! We are losing a war in which Christians are fighting for their right to exist. Yet, most remain silent while the enemy continues to present evil as good and good as evil. Who would have thought even ten years ago that satanists will be running afterschool programs and drag queens act as icons for a public education system in which the kids can pick a new gender identity without parental consent. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness…" (Isa 5:20). I don’t know about you, but to me the platforms for the gospel and exposing evil are one and the same. We can’t keep silent about evil because some are uncomfortable. The passive, even cowardly believers who say nothing are in fact personally responsible for the collapse of our Judeo-Christian culture. John the Baptist was killed for being critical of the king's immoral lifestyle. Paul was beaten, jailed and executed because his convictions challenged the government agenda. What about Jesus? Are there any reasons the government of his time used to kill Him which today would be viewed as “political?” The church needs a fresh infusion of moral courage to speak against all evil even as the government is outsourcing their censorship to giant media companies. Let’s ignore the labels pinned on us by this paranoid and dysfunctional world. Let’s not shrink under the judgments of fearful church goers. Our country can be saved, but we must act now lest we run out of time!

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    I don't know who penned it, but it IS something to think about: "The longer a tea bag sits in the cup, the stronger the tea. The longer you sit in God's Word, the stronger your faith." Don't have time to read the Bible but spend a lot of time in your car? Listen to Bott Radio Network!! There are over 120 signals across the country, find the one near you at?

    Bott Radio Network - Quality Bible Teaching, Christian News & Information

    Bott Radio Network - Quality Bible Teaching, Christian News & Information

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    I don't know who penned it, but it IS something to think about: "The longer a tea bag sits in the cup, the stronger the tea. The longer you sit in God's Word, the stronger your faith." Don't have time to read the Bible but spend a lot of time in your car? Listen to Bott Radio Network!! There are over 120 signals across the country, find the one near you at?

    Bott Radio Network - Quality Bible Teaching, Christian News & Information

    Bott Radio Network - Quality Bible Teaching, Christian News & Information

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    When the Word of God is eliminated as the standard for life, people don't know right from wrong. Good becomes evil, evil becomes good all because they have no standard to measure truth by. The standard for right and wrong is the Word of God. - Carmelo Domenic Licciardello (aka, Carman; 1956-2021).

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