Boston Community Pediatrics

Boston Community Pediatrics


Boston,Massachusetts 689 位关注者

Bringing Equity to Pediatric Healthcare


Boston Community Pediatrics (BCP) is a nonprofit, pediatric private practice, the first of its kind in Massachusetts. Our mission is to bring equity to pediatric healthcare by giving all patients - including those on MassHealth - direct access to their primary care provider and access to comprehensive, prevention-oriented medical care, case management services, and integrated behavioral health services. All patients will receive the kind of personalized care currently only available to those with private insurance. We know that parents and caregivers are experts in their own children, and we will leverage our asset-based, relationship-driven approach to improve health outcomes and lower health care costs for all pediatric patients, regardless of socioeconomic status or background.

11-50 人
Pediatrics 、Mental Health 、Youth Programming 、Health Equity和Care Navigation


  • 主要

    527 Albany St



Boston Community Pediatrics员工


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    We are very grateful to have hosted wonderful officials at our office last week! Thank you to Secretary of Economic Development Yvonne Hao, Undersecretary of Health Dr. Kiame Mahaniah, and Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Dr. Robbie Goldstein for visiting and learning more about our model!

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    Thank you to our amazing corporate partner, Silversmith Capital Partners, for highlighting our Falmouth Road Race team, who ran an incredible race and have raised over $75k+ so far in support of BCP!

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    We loved hosting the Office of Youth Engagement and Advancement yesterday to discuss city-based initiatives aimed at uplifting our youngest Bostonians! Thank you to OYEA for being such an incredible partner!

    This week, our team had the pleasure of meeting with Dr.?Robyn Riseberg, founder of Boston Community Pediatrics (BCP) - the first nonprofit, pediatric private practice of its kind in Massachusetts.?We are thankful for the opportunity to continue collaborating, amplifying the revolutionary work she is doing, and connecting young people across the city to BCP and the services they provide!

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    Although summer is still in full swing, we are starting to gear up for the school year, which means BCP's Back-to-School event is right around the corner! ?? ? At the end of August, we will gather BCP patients to get them excited to go back to school! This event wouldn't be possible without the incredible support of some of our amazing corporate partners, who provided and packed 400 awesome backpacks with school supplies and hygiene products. We are grateful for our incredible partnerships with Plymouth Rock Assurance Foundation, Audax Group, and Bain Capital that make our work possible. We are also grateful for our partnership with Hope & Comfort who provided all of the hygiene products for over 400 backpacks! Thank you all so much for your hard work and dedication to BCP!?

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    We are so thrilled for our amazing community partner, The BASE, for being a grantee of the Atrius Health Equity Foundation. We feel fortunate to be The BASE's core partner in this work and look forward to continuing our collaborations within this project!

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    We are excited to announce The BASE has been awarded a $1 million grant by the Atrius Health Equity Foundation to provide health education, health career pathways, and economic resources to our young people, while we support their leadership in the development and implementation of community health solutions. This award, to be paid over five years, is part of the Youth as Health Care Change Agents grant program, an exciting new initiative of AHEF that funds community organizations in Eastern Massachusetts. The BASE is now positioned to significantly expand our work in nutrition and health education, mental health, leadership development, and much more. As a result, our young people will be empowered to lead healthier lives and gain the knowledge and resources to be change agents in our communities. This is a long-term investment that we believe is going to drive intergenerational impact in Boston. Our work in health & wellness began during the COVID-19 pandemic, when we served as a food distribution center for families. In 2021-2022, we grew our footprint to include nutrition education, mental health, and medical care referrals – vital work that has continued in collaboration with Boston Community Pediatrics,?our core partner in this new grant initiative. Today, we mark the beginning of a new phase of this effort. Over the next five years, The BASE will use this grant to empower our young people to be change agents in their communities and reverse the troubling disparities in preventable diseases and life expectancy. As we further develop their talents and knowledge, our cohorts of BASE youth will become skilled health educators, health navigators for their families and communities, future health professionals, and health equity advocates. We are grateful and proud to partner with the Atrius Health Equity Foundation and Boston Community Pediatrics and we know our young people and the Roxbury community are going to benefit tremendously. Stay tuned! #healthandwellness #communityhealth #youthleadership #changeagents

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    Boston Community Pediatrics (BCP) is starting a movement to change the way healthcare is delivered to all children, regardless of income. We are seeking a dedicated and compassionate Pediatric Registered Nurse to join our pediatric healthcare team. As a Pediatric RN, you will play a vital role in delivering high-quality nursing care to pediatric patients, ensuring their safety, comfort, and well-being throughout their healthcare journey. Join the team and help BCP bring equity to pediatric healthcare!

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    We love our community partner, The BASE! Thank you so much for this incredible partner spotlight and for all of our amazing collaborations - we are lucky to do this work together!

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    BASE PARTNER SPOTLIGHT: Boston Community Pediatrics Established in 2020, Boston Community Pediatrics is the first nonprofit pediatric private practice of its kind in MA. ?Through their unique model, BCP uses an asset-based, relationship-centered approach to provide quality health care to youth and families, regardless of income or insurance status. The BASE is proud to partner with BCP and we have been excited to see our student-athletes benefit from their expertise in pediatric and adolescent health and wellness. Our partnership began in 2021, as The BASE was expanding our Health & Wellness initiative and saw such strong alignment between our mission and values. BCP Founder, Robyn Riseberg, and members of her team lead educational workshops at The BASE, bringing health and wellness information with a sports/athletics lens to our members, including: - How to fuel your body before & after exercise for optimal performance - Making nutritious smoothies using healthy, natural ingredients - Cooking & preparing a range of produce at home (for BASE families) - Mental health and breaking the stigma around getting support They also helped us lead a Girls Wellness Summit, leading discussions on mental health, body image, peer relations, and related topics with a group of 25 BASE young women.?And, last fall, BCP held their own Back to School event with Pedro Martinez at The BASE. Riseberg praised the partnership and the benefits for local youth: "Bringing BCP's?comprehensive, integrated approach?to pediatric healthcare into the community beyond the walls of our pediatric practice on Albany Street is critical to our impact. Having a partner like The BASE not only ensures that we can serve more young people, it also helps build a culture of proactivity and relationship-building with teens around?their health, mental health, and self-care. BCP is so proud to collaborate with The BASE in this way”, said Riseberg. Our work with BCP continues to expand, including, most recently, a collaboration within our Career Development program, which led to the hiring of BASE alumna Alona Lynch as an intern this summer.??Alona played softball with the BASE throughout high school and went on to attend UMass Amherst on a BASE scholarship, where she is Biology major, pre-med track, with the goal of becoming a doctor. ?Completing her sophomore year, Alona sought to secure an internship this summer and get some hands-on experience. “It was very competitive trying to get an internship, I applied for at least 10 internships on my own and had no luck. I reached out to The BASE and they let me know about the opportunity at BCP. I got connected with the BASE Career Development Manager, Alex, and he helped me with my resume and some interview prep. When I applied and interviewed at BCP, I felt prepared”, said Lynch. We thank BCP for their partnership and look forward to continued work together!

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    BCP’s 2023 Impact Report is hot off the press! 2023 was a year of growth and expansion, and we are incredibly grateful to the entire BCP community - staff, patients, donors, advisors, and volunteers - for all we have accomplished. Read the report below to learn more about how BCP is changing the way healthcare is delivered to all children.?


