I'm usually behind the camera, so you don't see me too often (except in the reels I'm forced to appear in). But I thought it would be good for me to introduce myself and explain why I've been doing photography for the last few years. I started taking photos in 2018 at Chabot College taking photos of friends and spaces around the campus while pursuing my business degree. At the same time, I had gotten involved at Oakland First Fridays and became a volunteer photographer for their monthly events where I got to practice shooting anything and everything with a janky Nikon D80. Everything kicked off in 2019 when I started a business with some creatives across the Bay Area and worked with various small businesses, typically makers and restaurants where we'd create photos, videos, and graphics to help kick off their marketing efforts. It was a fun endeavor but didn't bring in too much since we just didn't land the right market that could afford our services. After about 3 years we dissolved that business and went our separate ways. On February 2nd, 2022 at 2 am I started up Borja Plus, unfortunately, the only thing I could come up with for a name was CREATIVELY using my last name. At the time I still had people calling me for photography and I knew I could keep going as an entrepreneur so I collected together the main team that still works with me today: Combrio (our editor) and Josue (our exec assistant). Pictured below are moments from where I started to where I am now, featuring collaborations with amazing organizations like Oakland First Fridays , Start Small Think Big and Conjured Events. Grateful for every step of this journey, all the people I’ve met, and the opportunities along the way. I didn't intend to go into business as a photographer, as it all started as a hobby to capture people and things around me, and through a whole lot of emails, calls, AND luck I've been able to make this work. If you're still reading this far down, I'm glad that YOU have been a part of this journey in some way or another so thanks! #EntrepreneurJourney #BayAreaBusiness #SmallBusinessSupport #CreativeEntrepreneurship #FreelanceLife #EventPhotography #BrandCollaborations #BayAreaCreatives #CommunityConnections #GrowthMindset #NetworkingSuccess #StorytellingThroughPhotos