For the students in my network who are still looking for a summer internship: ?There is NO bad opportunity. ? Looking back at my own career journey, I'm incredibly grateful for the internships I took, even when I wasn't sure if they were the right fit. I applied to numerous internships at what everyone considered "top" companies, but never landed them. Or, even an interview, if I'm being honest. My resume was garbage, to be honest. Instead, I embraced what came my way and approached each opportunity with gratitude. My first internship was in social media and public relations for a local museum. I had no clue what a content calendar was, how to write a press release, or what it meant to dress in "business casual." Yet, by the end of my time there, I learned all of those things! PR wasn't for me, but I had a real internship on my resume. A win! My second internship was a game day intern for a minor league baseball team. While I would never say I'm passionate about baseball, I learned about sports operations and had a really fun summer. The community I had in this internship was essential during that phase of my life. (PS: I also learned baseball didn't have a half time. How did I get this internship? I'll never know.) My third internship was the Disney College Program. Those six months taught me more about networking and potential career paths than my entire time in school up to that point. It opened doors to two more internships with Disney in management and marketing before I even graduated, which I attribute to catapulting me to where I am today. Mindset is everything, and you never know what incredible experiences you might be missing out on if you don't embrace the opportunities that come your way. Keep an open mind, and remember that every experience, no matter how unexpected, can be a stepping stone to something great. #internships #careers #mindset #students #jobsearch