Over the years I have had many conversations with parents of creative kids in high school or college. Of course they want to help their kids pursue what their kids seem to love, and are “very, very good at”. And… they want them to make money. The parents didn’t pursue a creative arts career and really don’t know how vast the options are for a successful, professional creative life.
First I’d say help yourself and your kid learn what the possibilities are. Writing, designing, exploring, problem solving, entertaining, explaining, inspiring… all require a big dose of creative thinking and craft. There is a need for it and endless opportunities for it everywhere.
Every business, institution, association, government, Think Tank and HOA need it. (And A.I. is not going to eliminate the need for creative people. It’s another tool. Learn how to use it.)
Find people who can help start building that list of possibilities. See what relates to your kid’s specific interest now and expose them to versions and variations they didn’t know existed. Ultimately finding “your people” is a big part of it. Being part of a good creative team is the best! Smart, funny, sarcastic, weird, sensitive, passionate and good people.
One other thing… encourage your kid to keep close those other kinds of good people, ones they like and trust that are in finance or accounting or sales. They can be very helpful.