Our global parent company-@blastavestudios are celebrating their 25th anniversary celebration! Celebrating 25 years of empowering the creative, social & business cultures from the heartland & beyond! Through trials & tribulations, Ntr/GOD/YahWEH has protected/guided/blessed & DJ'd our paths & plans. In addition, positioned people in our lives to help us & believe in our visions. *FOR ALL WHO TRANSITIONED ALONG THE WAY-WE LOVE & MISS YOU & WILL ALWAYS FEED FROM THE LOVE & KNOWLEDGE YOU GAVE; *FOR ALL WHO HAVE BEEN PART OF OUR JOURNEY-THX FOR THE LOVE & POSITIVE ENERGIES! *FOR THE HATERS, THX FOR THE LESSONS LEARNED-INDEED! GOD BUILT US BIGGER THAN THE BULL-NONE; We thank you all for all the support for our global family & WE WILL keep pushing forward- FROM THE HEARTLAND & BEYOND!, etc., et al infinitum! ___________ Noble Don Stormy L. Carbajal #biggerpictureplans, #dreamsandblessings, #carbajalfoundationccoltd, SHOCKEFX GROUP/BSWEG, TEAMBREAKERBOX TBGCAF? BREAKERBOX SOCIETY , BREAKERBOX BMSAF , {RTBW?} Worldwide DGTL? , #livelovecelebratelife, #liveloveexpresslife, #drivethedriven, #realtalknreallife, #casasuidoncarbajal, #carbajal1025legacycampaign, #blastavestudios25andbeyond, #carbajalcoast, #homegrownglobal, We all have the #P2BPpower2bpowerful and change the world!
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