Blaine (WA) Police Department转发了
Registering Electric Bicycles
24/7 law enforcement agency serving the citizens of Blaine, Wa. This page is not monitored 24/7. To report a crime, please call 911 or 360-676-6911.
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Blaine (WA) Police Department转发了
Registering Electric Bicycles
New Hire Announcement: Please join us in welcoming Officer Zach Taxdahl to the Blaine Police Department! Officer Taxdahl came to us from the Whatcom County Sheriff's Office. He started on Monday, beginning 14 weeks of on-the-job training with our skilled Field Training Officers. Officers Taxdahl, Chau, and Richardson will be sworn in on Monday, the 24th, at 6 PM during the regularly scheduled city council meeting. #hiring #BlaineWa #career #hiring #Congratulations #smalltown #welcome #lawenforcement
New hire announcement: We are happy to announce two new officers joining the force. Please welcome Officers Trevor Chau and Andrew Richardson. Both men are local with strong ties to our community. Officers Chau and Richardson will attend the new northwest regional police academy in Arlington in March. In the meantime, they will be paired with officers to gain valuable experience and learn our departmental policy and procedures. #career #smalltown #Congratulations #BlaineWA #lawenforcement #community #police #hiring #welcome
Today, we honor all of those veterans, past and present. Thank you for your service! A special shoutout to our veterans: Officer Beaulieu served as a paratrooper in the United States Army, Officer Campbell served an entire career in the United States Navy, and Lieutenant Greene served as an Infantryman in the United States Marine Corps. #BlaineWA #thankyou #community #police #unitedstates #veteran #usnavy #usmc #usarmy #VeteransDay
Some of you may have already noticed our new badges. During October, officers will wear pink badges in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. All of us have family or friends who have been affected by breast cancer. It's our way of supporting those that have been affected. For more information, visit: #BlaineWa #breastcancerawareness #Policebadge #cancersupport
Thanks to a very generous donation from Byron Sprague, all of Blaine PD’s AEDs (automatic external defibrillators) have been upgraded to the newest and best. These life-saving tools are assigned to every vehicle in our fleet. Check out our new stickers on the patrol cars! As a bonus, our old AEDs will now be used by Public Works employees, furthering our city’s commitment to your safety. Thank you, Mr. Sprague! #BlaineWa #AED #lifesaving #emergencymedicine #donation
It may have been a rainy day, but that didn't stop us from gathering on Patriots Day. Together with police and fire personnel from Canada, we remember and honor all those lost in the 9-11 attacks. Twenty-three years ago, some of us still get chills thinking about that day. “Children of a common mother.” “Brethren dwelling together in unity.” #BlaineWA #bordertown #police #fire #aid #september11 #PatriotsDay #canada
Blaine (WA) Police Department转发了
When Speeding Becomes?Reckless
At Monday's city council meeting, Chief Rodger Funk presented three officers with commendations. Officers Beaulieu, Maphumulo, and Campbell were awarded for their efforts to save the life of a man who was unconscious and not breathing. Officer Campbell quickly determined the man needed life-saving measures. Together, they pulled him to a position where CPR could be performed. Officers Maphumulo and Beaulieu then performed CPR for five minutes until aid crews arrived and provided higher-level interventions. Officer Maphumulo: Life-Saving Service award. Officer Beaulieu: Life-Saving Service award. Officer Campbell: Chief’s Commendation. Good work, gentlemen. Job well done! #BlaineWA #thankyou #community #police #service #commendation #savealife #CPR
Officer Travis Campbell and Officer Reagan Ritzer graduated from the police academy today after nearly six months of training. Chief Rodger Funk presented each officer with their certificates. Thank you, Records Manager Amy Ebenal and Mayor Mary Lou Steward, for attending their first academy graduation. A big thank you to Officer Campbell’s and Officer Ritzer’s families, and all those in attendance for supporting our newly minted peace officers. Both officers now begin 14 weeks of additional field training under the mentorship of skilled Field Training Officers. #BlaineWA #police #policeacademy #graduation #Congratulations