Black Feminist Fund

Black Feminist Fund


Funding Black feminist movements like we want them to win!


The purpose of the Black Feminist Fund (BFF) is to significantly increase the resources available to Black feminist movements globally, contributing to strengthening their sustainability and resilience. The BFF is an unprecedented funding mechanism connecting Black women donors to grassroots Black feminist organizations, groups and collectives. The Black Feminist Fund models for the philanthropic sector (and beyond) the kind of solidarity funding Black women (in all our diversities) deserve. The BFF supports grassroots Black feminist organizations working in Africa, the Americas and Europe.

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Philanthropy、Research、Grantmaking、Philanthropic Advocacy、Advocacy、Gender Equality、Gender Justice、Women's Rights、Feminism、Black Feminisms和Global Black Feminisms

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    Did you know that France has the deadliest police? And that it’s directly linked to its anti-Black & colonial history? Was the peak of transphobia and the manipulation of “culture wars” in the UK covered by media in your country? Were you aware that politicians in Spain are mandating and implementing violent policies against migrants, the LGBTQI+ community and sex workers? Have you heard that the Netherlands is the biggest funder of money that goes directly into the hands of frontline feminist activists worldwide? and that, this very funding is expected to reduce drastically with the new government? If you’ve missed our “What’s going on in Europe” webinar, now is the time to catch up! You’ll hear more about the different political contexts, the rise of the far-right across Europe, the history and background that led to this, and the direct impact of all this on Black women and gender expansive people. A huge thank you to Annick Metefia from Mwasi collective, Edem Barbara Ntumy from Reproductive Justice Initiative, Iki Yos Pi?a from Periferia Cimarronas and Happy Mwende K. from Mama Cash for driving such an insightful conversation and sharing their valuable experiences and expertise with the more than 250 participants who attended the kickoff of our Black Feminist Politics series ???? The webinar recordings are available on our YouTube channel ?? ? ? in English: ? en Fran?ais: ? em Português: ? en Espa?ol : ? ?????? ??????? :

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    Nouvel appel à proposition de l'Initiative Sankofa d'Afrique de l'Ouest (ISDAO)! Une superbe opportunité pour les organisations et groupes LGBTQI en Afrique de l’Ouest. ?? Deadline: 31 Octobre 2024 ??? Financement de base et/ou de projet, de 6 mois à 36 mois ??Budget entre 5 000 $ et 30 000 $ par an Toutes les informations sont disponibles ici:

    ???? Partagez la nouvelle, notre 7e appel régional à propositions est maintenant ouvert jusqu'au 31 octobre 2024. Nous recevons les demandes de subvention des groupes, organisations et réseaux dirigés par les LGBTQI au Bénin, Burkina Faso, C?te d'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Sénégal et Togo. Pour en savoir plus et soumettre votre candidature, visitez le site ????

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    Notre équipe a eu l'honneur de connecter avec notre partenaire Mwasi collective à Paris la semaine dernière, lors de la célébration des 10 ans de lutte pour la libération Noire en mettant l'accent sur le féminisme Noir. Nous avons assisté à la 4ème édition de Nyansapo, un festival dédié aux féminismes Noirs en France et en Europe. Le festival comprenait des tables rondes stimulantes, des ateliers et concerts - une célébration audacieuse des féminismes Noirs à laquelle nous avons eu le plaisir de participer. Défendre un agenda féministe Noir en France n'es pas une tache facile compte tenu du climat politique. Mwasi collective a écrit un billet de blog très perspicace à la suite des élections européennes qui a mis en lumière le contexte historique qui nous a conduit ici, l'aspect problématique du vote uniquement accessible aux ? Fran?ais nationaux? et la nécessité plus que jamais d'une alliance féministe Noire révolutionnaire transnationale et diasporique comme réponse au fascisme : Bravo encore à toute l'équipe de Mwasi pour un festival incroyable et 10 ans de travail exceptionel ! Les organisations féministes Noires construisent des mondes joyeux, safe et libres pour nous toustes. Pour en savoir plus sur le Collectif Mwasi et les 71 autres partenaires inspirants que nous soutenons à travers le monde, cliquez ici : Affiche : illustration de Geneviève Dieng

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    Greetings from the Black Feminist Fund team! We are returning from Paris where we had a inspiring team retreat covering all things Strategy, Vision, Grantmaking, Philanthropic Advocacy, and of course, soft and joyful moments to enjoy each other’s company. We are a remote organisation with team members in 4 different continents, so having the opportunity to spend quality time together is very precious ? We are a small team with big dreams, and are feeling renewed about our calling to boldly fund Black feminist movements to win - to know more about our work, this way??

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    ??KICKING OFF OUR BLACK FEMINIST POLITICS SERIES?? 2024 is the biggest election year and it's been filled with major global events already. Our new Black Feminist Politics Series intends to spotlight the creative power of Black feminist politics and its ongoing commitment to collective liberation, when the interconnection of systems of oppression becomes even more evident. ?? WHAT’S GOING ON IN EUROPE? A BLACK FEMINIST ANALYSIS ?? Between the recent racist and islamophobic attacks in the UK, the messy elections in France following the huge far-right surge in the European Elections and the rise of Neo Nazi networks in Germany, Europe has been going through it. To kick off, we're hosting a conversation on September 11th at 5pm CET, focusing on the European context ?? from Black feminist perspectives. Here are some of the guiding questions we'll be exploring: ?? How does the growth of fascist campaigns affect Black women and gender-diverse people from and in Europe? ?? Are the agendas of Black feminists being taken up by broad-based left-wing projects, parties, and coalitions? ?? How does the rise of racist and sexist policymakers in Europe impact funding for feminist movements globally and how important is funding Black feminist collective actions when seeking solutions for undemocratic conjectures in Europe? Make sure to sign-up and tell your friend to tell a friend! ??????

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    So to recap, the ????European elections saw major wins for far-right parties, racist and islamophobic attacks erupted across the ????UK, ???? France’s parliament dissolution led to a legislative election with results Macron refuses to accept , and as of last weekend, ???? Germany’s state elections revealed that surprise surprise, the far-right is on top. And again, that's just a quick recap ?? These are illustration of a bigger, deeper and older set of problems that we are aiming to analyse from Black feminist perspectives. In exactly one week we'll be hosting the first webinar of our Black Feminist Politics Series - kicking off on September 11th with a brilliant set of speakers from Mama Cash, Periferia Cimarronas, Mwasi collective and Reproductive Justice Initiative. The webinar will last 1h30 and offer interpretation in Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and French. Sign-up here and see you then!

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    So to recap, the ????European elections saw major wins for far-right parties, racist and islamophobic attacks erupted across the ????UK, ???? France’s parliament dissolution led to a legislative election with results Macron refuses to accept , and as of last weekend, ???? Germany’s state elections revealed that surprise surprise, the far-right is on top. And again, that's just a quick recap ?? These are illustration of a bigger, deeper and older set of problems that we are aiming to analyse from Black feminist perspectives. In exactly one week we'll be hosting the first webinar of our Black Feminist Politics Series - kicking off on September 11th with a brilliant set of speakers from Mama Cash, Periferia Cimarronas, Mwasi collective and Reproductive Justice Initiative. The webinar will last 1h30 and offer interpretation in Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and French. Sign-up here and see you then!

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    Today, we are giving our flowers to our first ever grant review committee members: Roya, Agness, Bianca, Johannah, Leila, Maria Clara, Naki, Raphaella, Wendyam, Vanessa, and Zanele. This month marks the end of their two-year term, during which they reviewed over 900 applications since the launch of our grantmaking in May 2022. With their guidance and support, the BFF has committed over $15 million USD to 72 Black feminist organizations across 44 countries. We are immensely grateful for their time, labour, and contributions to making our shared dream of more and better resources for Black feminist movements a reality. We celebrate you! ?? --- ESP Hoy entregamos nuestras flores a nuestres primeres integrantes del Comité de Revisión de Subvenciones: Roya, Agness, Bianca, Johannah, Leila, Maria Clara, Naki, Raphaella, Wendyam, Vanessa y Zanele. Este mes marca el final de su mandato de dos a?os, durante el cual han revisado más de 900 solicitudes desde el lanzamiento de nuestros Premios de Subvenciones en mayo de 2022. Con su orientación y apoyo, BFF ha comprometido más de 15 millones de dólares para 72 organizaciones feministas negras en 44 países. Estamos inmensamente agradecides por su tiempo, trabajo y contribuciones para hacer realidad nuestro sue?o compartido de más y mejores recursos para los movimientos de feministas negras. ?Te celebramos! ?? --- FR Aujourd'hui, nous remettons nos fleurs à nos premiers membres du comité d'évaluation des subventions : Roya, Agness, Bianca, Johannah, Leila, Maria Clara, Naki, Raphaella, Wendyam, Vanessa et Zanele. Ce mois-ci marque la fin de leur mandat de deux ans, au cours duquel iels ont examiné plus de 900 candidatures depuis le lancement de nos Appels a Subventions en mai 2022. Avec vos conseils et votre soutien, BFF a engagé plus de 15 millions de dollars auprès de 72 organisations féministes noires dans 44 pays. Nous sommes immensément reconnaissants pour votre temps, votre travail et vos contributions pour faire de notre rêve commun de ressources plus nombreuses et de meilleure qualité pour les mouvements féministes noirs une réalité. Nous vous célébrons! ?? --- PT Hoje, estamos dando nossas flores às nossas primeiras integrantes do Comitê de Revis?o de Subsídios: Roya, Agness, Bianca, Johannah, Leila, Maria Clara, Naki, Raphaella, Wendyam, Vanessa e Zanele. Este mês marca o fim de seu mandato de dois anos, durante o qual elas revisaram mais de 900 inscri??es desde o lan?amento de nossa Concess?o de Subsídios em maio de 2022. Com sua orienta??o e apoio, o BFF comprometeu mais de US$ 15 milh?es para 72 organiza??es feministas negras em 44 países. Somos imensamente gratas por seu tempo, trabalho e contribui??es para tornar nosso sonho compartilhado de mais e melhores recursos para movimentos feministas negros uma realidade. Nós celebramos vocês! ??

    • Photo of Grant Review Committee
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    We are excited to share our contribution to Ms. Magazine's important and timely series 'Feminist philanthropy is essential to democracy'. "By the end of 2024, more than half the world’s population will have gone to the polls. It is an unprecedented moment: the number of?countries?holding elections—compounded by the literal and metaphorical fires taking place everywhere, from severe climate disasters to rising living costs and harrowing?global conflicts—will either edge us closer to authoritarianism and patriarchal hegemony or steer us away from it. How is philanthropy meeting this moment?" Black feminist movements are the very antidote to the anti-rights agendas sweeping across the globe, it is imperative philanthropy funds them to win. Read our article, and check out the wider series with fantastic contributions from leaders modelling a better philanthropy.

    When Black Feminist Movements Receive Sustained and Abundant Resources, the World Wins - Ms. Magazine

    When Black Feminist Movements Receive Sustained and Abundant Resources, the World Wins - Ms. Magazine

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    "Globally, anti-trans campaigns and attacks on Black trans and gender-diverse movements need to be recognised for what they are: a global democratic erosion and a threat to the fundamental right of self-determination" ? Check out Maria Clara Araújo's powerful article for Alliance magazine on last month's Global Trans Conference, and how funders can practice real solidarity.

    'Meu tempo é agora': Funding trans rights in times of de-democratisation - Alliance magazine

    'Meu tempo é agora': Funding trans rights in times of de-democratisation - Alliance magazine

