Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute


Fairfax,Virginia 346 位关注者

State of the Art Cosmetic Surgery Center and Medspa under one roof!


The Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute is a full service cosmetic practice that has been serving the Northern Virginia metropolitan area since 2002. We offer a comprehensive menu of surgical procedures, as well as non - surgical rejuvenation treatments for the face and body. We are passionate about enhancing our patient’s lives through the latest techniques proven to be safe and effective while achieving natural results with a minimal recovery period. Doctors George J. Bitar, MD and Larry H. Lickstein, MD are board certified plastic surgeons highly specialized in the field of cosmetic surgery. With a blend of artistry and meticulous surgical technique, they are able to achieve beautiful and natural results. They have earned the trust and respect of their peers, being recognized as a “Top Doctor” in their area of practice by magazines and national medical organizations. They frequently attend medical conferences to educate and train peers, and are regularly published in medical journals and text books for their surgical technique.

11-50 人
Plastic Surgery、Cosmetic Surgery、Breast Augmentation、Breast Implants、Tummy Tuck、Cool Sculpting、Facelift、Rhinoplasty、Ulthera Lift、Liposuction、Body Contouring和Gynecomastia


  • 主要

    3023 Hamaker Court, Suite 109


  • 8650 Sudley Road



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  • Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute转发了

    查看George Bitar MD, FACS的档案,图片

    Founder and Medical Director At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

    Reflecting on this week’s events… was fortunate enough to accompany, with my wife, our teenage kids to national level squash tournaments that were a lot of fun, enjoyed watching our son perform with his school string ensemble a beautiful rendition of Vivaldi’s Summer Movement, attended a lecture on limb salvage by a world expert on the subject, hosted an elite group of top concierge medicine physicians who visited our institute, and had the privilege to operate on some amazing patients with an amazing staff at my institute. I am truly fortunate??.

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  • Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute转发了

    查看George Bitar MD, FACS的档案,图片

    Founder and Medical Director At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

    Beautiful sunset with my beautiful wife on the Kennedy Center terrace on March 24 before the 25th Annual Mark Twain Prize for American Humor @marktwainprize at the Kennedy Center, @kennedycenter honoring the amazing comedian, Kevin Hart, who was there with his beautiful family to receive the award! It was a night to remember, with the A-Listers of comedy showing up to both honor and roast Kevin Hart like Jerry Seinfeld (my favorite comedian of all times), Chris Rock, Jimmy Fallon (sitting right beside us), Dave Chappelle, Nick Cannon, Chelsea Handler, J.V. Smoove, and more! The evening was fabulous, and so was the after party, thanks to our hosts and dear friends, AJ @ajaindc and Chris Andreas, and fun was had by all our Langley family! The show will air on Netflix on May 11- if you love a comedy roast, don’t miss it ( you may even see us in the audience ??) ———————————————————————————————— #kevinhart #kennedycenter #kennedycenterhonors #marktwainaward #marktwainawards #funtimes #jerryseinfeld #chrisrock #nickcannon #jimmyfallon #netflixspecialcomingsoon #kevinhart4real

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  • Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute转发了

    查看George Bitar MD, FACS的档案,图片

    Founder and Medical Director At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

    With Team Bitar @thebitarinstitute at our Valentine Day Extravaganza …. Getting our patients ready @thebitarmedspa to have a wonderful celebration next week with our amazing providers, @danielle_augustino_aesthetics @beysithatbitar @crystalclearatbitar and our wonderful marketing and events team, @nessgisselle and @kattglm who put together a beautiful event! Hint: If you see a beautiful lady with amazing lips ?? on Valentine’s Day anywhere in the world, there is a good chance that she was in our institute today getting them done ??????! #valentine #valentinespecial #gorgeouslips #teambitar #drbitar #bitarinstitute #amazingteam #bestpatients

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  • Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute转发了

    查看George Bitar MD, FACS的档案,图片

    Founder and Medical Director At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

    I was honored to be on the Faculty of the Second Annual Cadaver Art Aesthetics Workshop in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area recently put together by @nurse_yalda and her team where the art and science of proper injectable techniques and hands-on cadaver injections and dissection came together! I enjoyed giving my lecture on the rheology of fillers. Not all fillers are created equal and you want an injector who is an expert in the types of fillers on the market and where in the face they give the best results. I also gave a talk on the lower face and neck anatomy and showed different injectables and non-surgical modalities including fillers, RF devices, fat melting injectables like Kybella, lasers, and neuromodulators and how to utilize those safely and effectively. The other faculty and I dissected the cadavers earlier, and when the course started, were able to demonstrate to the attendees safe methods of injections on cadavers (whose faces have been covered by emojis out of respect). The attendees enjoyed the hands-on experience and plenty of time to practice and be guided on injecting various areas of the face and neck safely. When they go back to their practices, they can inject their patients safely and with sound anatomical knowledge to back their decisions. The knowledge, camaraderie, and hands-on experience created a wonderful atmosphere. Looking forward to the next Cadaver Art Aesthetics workshop next year! Special thanks to all involved from @thebitarinstitute , @thebitarmedspa , and especially @nurse_yalda who put this amazing workshop together with her team, @drroykim who came from California, @the_noseman, @brainsandbeauty_dmv , @botoxandbourbon , @beautybybrittnp, and thanks to all those who attended and shared their knowledge with us! #cadaverartaesthetics #cadaverartaestheticssummit2024 #bitarinstitute #drbitar #faculty #safeinjectables #cadaverlab #cadaverdissection #expertinjector #top100injectorsus #top100injectors

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  • Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute转发了

    查看George Bitar MD, FACS的档案,图片

    Founder and Medical Director At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

    Flashback to 1996 when I was taking a break from doing a liver transplant with Dr. Cosme Manzarbeitia at Albert Einstein in Philadelphia. Our fellow, Luis, felt sorry for me because I was missing my parents’ anniversary that day and insisted on taking a picture to send to my parents. Before Instagram and cell phones that could send photos, I printed that photo, wrote an “I love you” note, and took it to my parents weeks later in a frame. I found that photo recently as I was helping my parents move their home. It reminded me of all the anniversaries, birthdays, and special occasions that I had missed out on during my residency. I wanted to share this with my patients to highlight the fact that the road to the Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute took four years of college, four years of medical school, five years of general surgery residency, two years of plastic surgery residency, an advanced aesthetic fellowship in the United States, and an advanced aesthetic surgery fellowship with the top six plastic surgeons on six continents. My patients should feel safe and confident because a lot of education, techniques, and evolution, as well as 20,000 surgeries or more happened before I performed their surgery! I want to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Manzarbeitia, in this picture, who helped forge my surgical skills and judgment, Luis, who took the picture, and all the residents, fellows, attendings, chairmen, and mentors who guided me along the way to becoming a surgeon. Gratitude and Respect. As a happy ending to the story, the patient on whom we performed that liver transplant did very well! I was able to make it up to my parents by throwing them a very nice 50th anniversary party in Lebanon in 2016, and since then have celebrated their 57th anniversary last year and hopefully many more to come! I would be interested to know your thoughts, and please share some moments in time that shaped your future! #Memories #happyanniversarymomanddad #generalsurgeryresidency #alberteinsteinmedicalcenter #livertransplant #makingofasurgeon #cosmemanzarbeitia

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  • Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute转发了

    查看George Bitar MD, FACS的档案,图片

    Founder and Medical Director At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

    Feeling honored to be at @foxnews in Washington DC discussing celebrity plastic surgery trends with a great time with Sunni @sunniandthecity and Bitar Team members Vanessa @nessgisselle and Keyry @kattglm . Thank you ladies for all your hard work to make it a very successful segment! I had the opportunity to discuss the latest in celebrity trends, our operations at the Bitar Institute, how our patients are cared for ensuring excellent results in a very safe environment at our Medspa @thebitarmedspa and Ambulatory Surgery Center @thebitarinstitute and anything else that matters in the world of cosmetic surgery- stay tuned! ————————————————————————— #fox5 #fox5news #sunni #sunniandthecity #celebritystyle #celebrityplasticsurgery #washingtonian #drbitar #bitarinstitute #washingtondc #dc #bestplasticsurgeon #achievement #topdoctors

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  • Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute转发了

    查看George Bitar MD, FACS的档案,图片

    Founder and Medical Director At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

    The Task Force of The Association of Plastic Surgeons of Lebanese Descent (APSLD) met to firm up details for the 8th World Congress of APSLD to take place in 2025! The Task Force comprised of President Dr. Bishara Atiyeh @atiyehbishara ???? and the Executive Committee, Dr. Sami Saad @drsamisaad ????, Dr. Nicolas Chami @drnicolaschami ???? , Dr. Richard Abs @doctor.abs ????, Dr. George Bitar @thebitarinstitute ????, and Dr. Romeu Fadul @romeufadul ???? (Unable to attend were Dr. élie Sawaya @dreliesawaya ???? and Dr. Fabio NAHAS ????). The meeting was to determine final location, associations, and program. Because memoranda of understanding were signed with the Mexican ????, Italian ????, and French ???? plastic surgery societies, the meeting promises to have very high level speakers from around the world! Stay tuned! The Association of Plastic Surgeons of Lebanese Descent promised and delivered on an amazing Seventh World Congress of the APSLD in Beirut, Lebanon on August 26-27, 2023. There was a World Class Faculty Line-up! Some of the highlights were amazing talks on the latest in the field of plastic surgery. Dr. Bechara Atiyeh, our president was honored by the society for his leadership, courage, and love of our society and its members since it’s inception in 2010 till the present day. Our APSLD VIIth meeting was especially important for us to show the world that Lebanon, the country that hosted the first meeting in 2010, is still a major contributor to plastic surgery innovation, education, and leadership. The theme is appropriately chosen… “The rise of the phoenix”! Beirut proved to be still a beacon of hope and knowledge despite all that Lebanon has endured recently. The hospitality at the conference, nightlife of Beirut, and the social agenda all lived up to the hype. The baton was passed to the next meeting in 2025 which will be the 8th World Congress of the APSLD in Bordeaux, France! We are continuing our tradition of a meeting every other year and for the meeting to be held in Lebanon every four years! ——————————————————————————————— #apsld2025taskforce #plasticsurgerymeeting #apsld2023 #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeryeducation #memberforum #boardcdrtifiedplasticsurgeon #apsld2025France

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  • Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute转发了

    查看George Bitar MD, FACS的档案,图片

    Founder and Medical Director At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

    We had a wonderful holiday party celebrating the 21st Anniversary of the BITAR COSMETIC SURGERY INSTITUTE with a Casino Royale theme in the metropolitan Washington DC area. Thanks to our wonderful patients, referring physicians, friends, vendors, and amazing staff who made sure that everyone had a fabulous time and was ready to ring in the holiday season and 2024 on a high note! #holidayseason #holiday #party #21anniversary #21 #casinoroyale #bitarinstitute #amazingpatients #fabulousstaff #2024 #2024weareready

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  • Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute转发了

    查看George Bitar MD, FACS的档案,图片

    Founder and Medical Director At Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute

    Rima and I had a fun evening with friends and colleagues last night at the “Washingtonian Top Doctor 2023 Reception” in Washington DC at @philotimodc restaurant! I was honored to be named a Top Doctor by Washingtonian Magazine @washingtonianmag in the category of best plastic surgeons. I have been named by my fellow Washington DC physician peers a #washingtoniantopdoc since 2005, an honor and a privilege that I take very seriously. Congratulations to all the other top doctors and may we continue to serve our patients and community with the latest safe technology and the utmost dignity! This year the event was extra special because Dr. Segura, @drflorenciasegura a past intern of the Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute, was named a “Top Doc” too . We had a toast and caught up on her life since the internship! Thank you again @washingtonianmag and it’s wonderful staff and all the doctors who voted. Also, thanks #philotimo for a wonderful reception ! ———————————————————————————————- #topdoc #washingtonian #drbitar #bitarinstitute #washingtondc #dc #bestplasticsurgeon #award #achievement #topdoctors #reception #honored

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