Proud of the amazing work done by one of our recently certified Bioconductor Carpentry instructors, Izabela Concei??o, and her team in their course in Brazil!
Some stats from the bioC-RNAseq with tidyomics course me and Jo?o Paulo P. de Almeida taught last week for 63 people. To have more control we setted up multiple accounts with acess to our cluster with the help of Lucio Queiroz ?? Lines of code written counting all students: > 14000 ? 100% Core occupancy when everybody was running DESeq2 lfcshrink. Huge thanks for all the participants and our monitors: Bárbara Marinho Carlos Augusto da Mata Machado Clarisse Rezende Henry P. Granger-Neto Victor Abdallah Rogana #Bioinformatics #BioConductor #Tidyomics #RNAseq #UFMG Bioconductor